Port forwarding question


Nov 29, 2004
Ok I am trying to forward port 6881 to this computer, but when I do it. And test it with the program, I keep getting a NAT error, what am I doing wrong?
uhhh, more info pretty plz... What brand of rounter? Are you getting this error in windows, or the router program itself? What "program" are you testing it with? The only suggestions i can give you now, is make sure you have no firewalls that could potentinally be blocking that port...else need for info d00d...

Netgear, I'm testing it with Azures. Firewall is off. Error in Azures, says NAT error. :O
hmm, ok well what program or service is this port being forward for? Cause try just using the program to see if it working the way u want it to. Umm, else possibly try restarting your router...if nothing goes there...hmm well have to see...

kjm2003 said:
hmm, ok well what program or service is this port being forward for? Cause try just using the program to see if it working the way u want it to. Umm, else possibly try restarting your router...if nothing goes there...hmm well have to see...


BitTorrent. I tried restarting router, nothing.
Did you set up your router to port foward? If so, does the ip address on the list match your machines ip address?
In the router you need to forward the port to an IP address thats not going to change. IE if your gateway is set your main pc to and forward your ports to that. If you still need dhcp for other devices have it start at like so you don't have to worry about conflicts. Unless you're assigning IP's by mac address with dhcp then just enter a static ip in windows that you can forward to. Make sure any software firewalls are also setup to allow access through with the port to program.
GtrMan said:
In the router you need to forward the port to an IP address thats not going to change. IE if your gateway is set your main pc to and forward your ports to that.

Don't forget the subnet mask, gateway, and DNS, else you'll suddenly find the computer cannot access the internet. Quick guide on static LAN IPs for port forwarding.