Poor man's Whatsup


Oct 6, 2005
I was talking to one of my friends who owns a small business and his techie guy, and they have a real need for a tool like Whatsup that shows the tech a one-hit graphical view of the network. I suggested Whatsup and they balked at the price, and asked me if there are cheaper alternatives. After politely declining the request to pirate mine, I don't know of any. Does anyone else?

how comfortable are you with linux? if you know what your doing then give nagios a look.
There is an app called "look at lan" you should be able to find it with a google search.
Ditto. I have this widely deployed and most of my customers are astonished at what this can do for the price.

I just wish I was smart enough to figure out how to set this up. Luckly, the international IT group bought Argent and I didn't have to set it up. Nagios still looks cool though.
how comfortable are you with linux? if you know what your doing then give nagios a look.

I haven't asked. Their tech guy seems pretty 'regular' though... i.e. Considers his MCSE a great asset... hm yes.

And thanks for the other suggestions. The Latvian Dude is very intriguing. I'll mention those.