Poor 3Dmark06 score?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2005
Before I get going, yes I understand HardOCP hates 3Dmark, it isn't real world, blah blah blah, I simply used this program to compare my scores to other people, to gauge how my new system stacked up to others.

Recently I upgrade my system, to what you see in my sig. I have installed AMD/ASUS cool and quiet drivers, and the AMD utility which is to increase gaming performance on X2 machines.

I have run 3Dmark a few times now and my score is 4500. I used the compare utility in said benchmark, and it would seam people are typically getting around 7500. Now why exactly am I performing so poorly in these benchmarks?

Is there something I missed, after doing a fresh install of XP?
u OC? some OC, psuhed too much can also hinder 3dmark scores.
indeed ur score is a bit low.
i have only a 7800gt and i have 5500 score.
rysher said:
u OC? some OC, psuhed too much can also hinder 3dmark scores.
indeed ur score is a bit low.
i have only a 7800gt and i have 5500 score.

Nope, I have not got around to OC'ing yet. :(
MJCfromCT said:
Your score seems good to me for '06. Sure you weren't looking at '05 results?
LOL. if he was running 05 he would be getting closer to 10k..

can you break up the score for us, (CPU, smartshader 3.0..etc)

your x24400 should be scoring nearly 2k 3dMarks i believe..

my score is about 3x yours.. and I have a singlecore 3700+ @2.75.. although i do have a little beefer GFX card it seems. :)
rysher said:
u OC? some OC, psuhed too much can also hinder 3dmark scores.
indeed ur score is a bit low.
i have only a 7800gt and i have 5500 score.

Um, how did you get 5500 on a 7800gt when i get only 1000 higher on 3dmark06 (6540) with a 7900gtx
I will post the breakdown of my 3Dmark06 score, once I get home from work. Now I am only using the demo version of 3Dmark06, would that make a difference? as I believe the full program has additional tests ?
rysher said:
u OC? some OC, psuhed too much can also hinder 3dmark scores.
indeed ur score is a bit low.
i have only a 7800gt and i have 5500 score.

Um, how did you get 5500 on a single 7800gt when i get only 1000 higher on 3dmark06 (6540). What are you running?
keep in mind that many benchmark hounds tune their machines for high scores...that not only means tweaking the Forceware drivers but also oc'ing the processor, tight ram timings, making sure no other programs are running during the bench etc..
Nirad9er said:
Um, how did you get 5500 on a single 7800gt when i get only 1000 higher on 3dmark06 (6540). What are you running?
i am not on SLI.
my rig:
opteron [email protected] w/ 1.3volts watercooled
corsair 1gb ddr xms proll 2-2-2-5 at 1t
7800GT OC(OC right out of the box) running @ 480/1400
other than that, i dont know why ur score is that way. maybe ur running at superhigh settings? maybe u enabled AA n AF? maybe u were running another program when u run the benchmark? alot of maybe's or maybe we ask futuremark?
cuz i don't really know.