Point to replacing my current CPU yet?


Jan 29, 2008
X3 720 BE unlocked 4th core.
I can OC it to 3.7ghz stable but I run it at 3.2ghz

8gigs DDR3
ATI 6850 video

24" 1920x1200 res screen..

Mostly gaming. some downloading, and once in a great while I burn a DVD.
If you have money to burn, most around here would recommend waiting for BD just to have a more accurate comparison between SB and BD.

Else, I'd think that if you aren't disappointed with your current build and aren't experiencing any slowdowns with games etc then you're probably fine. Even then, you mentioned you can run the CPU at 3.7 --> why not?

If any, I'd *reckon* that the 6850 will probably be the component in your system preventing you from maxing out graphics settings in your games on that 24".
The game I like to play when I'm tossing around the idea of spending more money on my rig is: If my [Insert PC Part here] was the best one on the planet, would I still feel like my performance was lacking?

I'd say you're probably fine where you're at right now. Plus, Bulldozer is about a month or two away. I would at least wait and see what that does to the market.

Also, if you do mostly gaming I imagine you'd get the most out of a new GPU/Second 6850.
Yeah I've been tempted to snag a 2nd 6850. Although I most likely need to grab a new PSU to go along with it. Not sure how my Ultra XVS 500w will go with it... I've had thing thing for about 5 years now to boot.
Got an SSD yet? That makes a noticeable performance boost in even my day-to-day tasks in windows compared to a standard hd. That may be the next thing you look into right now while you wait for the next series of processors and motherboards to drop.
You will be GPU limited before CPU, I have a 550BE @ 3.6ghz with a 560Ti and am still GPU limited before CPU.

If you're looking for overall system response, definitely support what tgs said and get the SSD. It's made the biggest noticable difference for me when it comes to overall system performance. With the way your system looks by your sig that'll make the biggest difference for you. Aside from that I doubt you'll notice any difference with a CPU upgrade and would be better off going dual-GPU (or sell that one and buy a newer single card solution).

As a side benefit if you go SSD, you won't need to worry about upgrading your PSU because they use about as much power as the LED on the front of your case.
Surprised your 500w made it. (you must have one of the the good Ultras). I had all sorts of problems when I tried to use my 520W (thermaltake) with a Athlon II x3 455 with the 6850.
I agree with the other suggestions get a SSD first
nah just keep your money. You system is plenty fast to run 1080p, might be worth it to grab a second 6850 if you want to keep playing at max settings as newer games come out.

No need to upgrade if your concern is with games. Save your pennies and upgrade to the next gen when its needed.
SSD is the best upgrade and you will see the change faster loads and boot times.
Right now you need to think "Do I want bulldozer when it comes out or can I wait?" If you want it when it comes out you'll need to switch to the 9xx boards to get the AM3+ Socket so you'll be dozer ready. I'm just about to assemble a new PC and I figured on getting the lower X6 when dozer comes out then after christmas when the really hot bulldozers show up grab a new CPU.

SSD will help with load times but only if you're already on a SATA III capable system otherwise a good quality HDD on SATA II is plenty.