Pocket PC 2003SE Passkey HELP!


Nov 12, 2000

I have a Dell X30 624mhz which has worked great for two months.
However, today I was cleaning out the files and changing up a few setings. I went into the passkey section to look around and then canceled out without entering any password. I didnt think it logged in any password. However, when i turned it on again after an hour it requested a passkey. I tried every 4 digit password that I have ever used or could remember and none of them worked.

Is there some way of recovering the password on this thing? I backed up the device about a 1-2 weeks ago, but I have used it extensively this past week. Also, I think the ActiveSync backup only covers the settings & user info and not the word and excel files.

Does anyone know how to break the key on these units? If there is a security expert that can help me out with this. I will show proof of ownership(reciept,boxes,serial#) of this unit to ensure it is not a stolen unit.

Hard reset looks like your only option. Word docs are usually backed up with your My Documents folder on your desktop.
Well, yes i know i can do the hard reset. However, i want to leave that as the last resort. There are plenty of contacts and data I put in this week that I dont want to lose.

I was going to do a complete backup and sync after sorting out the files, but couldn't because the pda locked me out.
Check on microsofts knowledge base for a default password. Have you tried a blank passowrd?
Eigtball said:
Check on microsofts knowledge base for a default password. Have you tried a blank passowrd?

There is no enter key on the password selection menu so i have to enter 4 numbers for it to continue. There are only numbers and if you do not enter the correct password, there is a 1minute delay until it will let me try another one. I have tried 0000, 1111,2222,3333 etc for default passwords with not luck.