Pocatello Interview - Hard DC'er of the Month - October 2007


[H]ard DCOTM January 2008
Aug 25, 2005
Please join me, Jon855, in congratulating Pocatello for being selected as the [H]ard DC’er of the month for October 2007. Its quite an honor considering we have over 1,150 active folders. Pocatello is ranked 92th in the team, thus Pocatello is in the margin of the top one percentile of the team. Pocatello is ranked #1,162 worldwide.

As the questions got answered, I had learned something rather interesting about Pocatello. I wonder if you can spot the same interesting thing I had learned… As we have said Fold On – I encourage you guys to do the same but Read On this time around…

Basic Information:

How many F@H points do you have?

1.2 Million

How about United Devices and WCG points?

I ran United Devices for another team years ago. I lost interest in it and stopped crunching. I got a bunch of points for Team The Register, the computer news daily from England. I never crunched for WCG.

How many boxen do you have? Break this number down between borgs and your personal machines.

I don’t have any borgs. I have tried to borg, but I was not successful. I can’t borg at work due to the rules enforced by my IT department.

I have six boxen running today. I have taken apart a few older P4's to clean and I will be installing a new OS on them in the next month or so. Of the six boxen that are running, all are dual or quad except for one. I have 2 quads and 3 dual cores running the SMP client.

When did you start folding? What kind of project or projects did you participate in?

June 2005 for Team 33.

When did you start folding for the [H]orde?

June 2005.

What is your average F@H points per month?

I hope to hit 200,000 points this month, November of 2007.

He has done it, he earned 205,905 points in November – Congratulation on that achievement as well.

Did you contribute to United Devices?

Yes, for The Register.

How about WCG?


Personal Information:
Name: Pocatello

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Occupation: writer and editor

Hobbies: computers; home theater; volunteering with Scouting; martial arts

What is your [H]ard OCP username? What is the meaning or significance of your [H]ardOCP username, if any?

Pocatello. It is the town where I was born.

Want to link to a picture of yourself?

Hell no! Not a chance of that!

Congratulations on being selected as the [H]DC'er of the Month for the month October. How does it feel to be the recipient of such title-changing although prestigious award?

Thanks. It is pretty cool. I am happy about this prestigious event!

Why do you think you were chosen?

Probably because I was doing the [H]DC'er of the Month interviews for the last few months. And I post too often!

Why do you participate in Distributed Computing?

For the babes. DC’ing is a babe magnet! That is why I am buying a F@H t-shirt... to attract more babes!

See this link to get your very own tie-dyed folding t-shirt:


If DC'ing could find a cure for just one disease tomorrow, which one would it be and why?

Cancer. Lots of cancer in my family, and in my life. Not me directly, but many friends and family over the years. My dad. My grandparents... I think three of them had cancer. Another grandparent had Alzheimer’s disease. A few co-workers had cancer as well. Lots of beasts to slay.

What would you like the [H]orde to know about you that might surprise them?

I don’t want the [H]orde to know anything about me. I am a private person. I don’t make friends easily. I am mean and grumpy. And foul mouthed.

Where do you see your DC'ing activities in the next year or two?

I will probably buy some more quad cores and get rid of my AMD and Intel single-core boxen. Electricity and heat are a problem for me. In fact, I plan to build a server room to get the boxen out of my living space.

Have you been successful borging? If so, what kind of borging worked for you? (For example, friends, family, and/or work?)

No borging for me. I tried and failed.

Where do you see the [H]ard DC sub-forum in the near future? Long term?

I would like to have some silly contests like we have had in the past. That really got me pumped to ramp up my boxen and build the small garden that I have. I know that some of the folders here would gladly donate parts or money to make a contest successful.

I would like a contest to get new people folding for Team 33. We have so many regulars at [H]ardOCP that do not fold.

I am thankful to Kyle for things like the DC badges. When I post outside of the DC sub-forum I like to put my badge in the post to possibly entice some non-folders over our way.

Any ideas on improving the [H]ard DC sub-forum, or suggestions or improvements for our Team?

I don’t know what else we can do. Those that left us have left us. They are always welcome back, I suppose. I wish some of them would return, but we will do fine without them. I am loyal to Team 33. I notice that some of them still post in the DC sub-forum. I am happy that they still hang out in our sub-forum. I am glad that they are still folding... but I wish they were folding for Team 33.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Fold on For The Cure!

Did I forget to ask you anything?

I am sure that you did.

Well that concludes the interview and I hope you had enjoyed it. I sure did. Please once again congratulate Pocatello for being the [H]ardest DC’er for the month of October 2007.
That my friends is [H]ard. Congrats!!

Seconded and I also want a pic of that room when it gets done... This is seriously HARDCORE... I mean who the hell has a server room in one's home? Oh wait... Pocatello...:D

computers; home theater; volunteering with Scouting; martial arts

OK, so Pocatello is a folder AND a ninja? I think I need to stop picking on him because ninjas are friggin' sweet and they flip out and stuff.

Great interview there ;)

Happy to see a fellow folder wishing to build a server room. I already have one myself in my house and even the router is folding, to compliment my own title :D

Great interview there ;)

Happy to see a fellow folder wishing to build a server room. I already have one myself in my house and even the router is folding, to compliment my own title :D

I'll have to chat with you about your home server room. I have some ideas and some questions.

Thanks to Jon for the interview! :D
Thanks for the kind words.

I have been out of town this week and away from my computer. My quad core is still dead. Saturday I will try to resurrect my sweet quad.

Watch out Mix Man !!!:D
Thanks for the kind words.

I have been out of town this week and away from my computer. My quad core is still dead. Saturday I will try to resurrect my sweet quad.

Watch out Mix Man !!!:D

I finally pulled back ahead of you yesterday.... :p I'll get to enjoy 90th place on the team for at least another day. ;)
I got my quad running again.

Watch out Mixie!