May 13, 2012
Good evening all! Not too much at all to be found on this card (this is the card with 3 fans, not the reference card.) I am wondering if anybody has any personal experience with this card. Right now it is down to this card and the EVGA 780 FTW. I see it has a noticeably higher base clock and boost clock over the FTW. I have heard that with fans at full throttle the noise is noticeable, which is probably not a big deal coming from an ATI card. One thing I could not find is the type of memory the card uses.

1. Experiences with card in thread title?
2. Comparison between this card and EVGA 780 FTW?
3. Memory type? (Hynix, etc)

Thanks in Advance!

Edit: Posted in correct forum under nVidia cards.
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Poor resale value. Warranty mediocre. EVGA all the way.

Posted from App for Android
Sidenote: This post was supposed to go into the nVidia subforum.

That said:Is the poor resale value in direct relation to the poor warranty?
It's the brand. PNY is one of those brands people seem hesitant on.

Only thing I really remember about them is they used to be cheaper than the rest and people said it was because of low quality of components. That was a while ago though.

hopefully someone with first hand experience can chime in.
PNY is fairly safe for buying reference cards as they just rebadge them, but their warranty and custom coolers are not great. They warranty "for the life of the product" which means they could tell you next week it is discontinued and therefore EOL (and you're SOL).
I just bought one to replace my XFX R9 290 and I'm very impressed with it. It's a reference board so build quality is the same as everyone elses and the cooler is actually fantastic. Dead silent, 65C at stock speeds and at my daily OC of 1150 it hits maybe 67-69C. I maxxed it out at 1228 on the core, havent worked on the memory yet.

Apparently the reviewer cards have Samsung memory, mine has Hynix according to NvidiaInspector. The warranty is "lifetime" meaning as long as they have another XLR8 GTX 780 to give you they'll cover it, otherwise you may get a different card since in 3-4 years obviously there will be no more 780's in stock. Dont listen to the above posts regarding warranty, they'll still send you a replacement, heck they may send you an upgrade, but when 780's are gone they're gone.

I did a lot of research regarding PNY as well and pretty much everyone said they never had an issue and I have been very pleased so far. My guess is PNY doesnt send out review cards so much so nobody really reviews them much.
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Yes that is the one site that I saw the card reviewed on. It seems to get great reviews, and thinking about it, I can't imagine them doing their customers wrong with their products/warranties for how long they have been in business. I definitely understand the fear though.