PNY attache'

Nov 3, 2005
I have 3 PNY 256M Attache' Memory sticks that no longer show up in any PC that I put them in. I am wondering what do I do to fix them? I tried looking up thier website but nothing is there to contact them. I have tried putting them in many different PC's but to no avail.

Thanks for any help

They may have died on you. I have seen this happen before. There is one way that may fix it, but I don't reccomend it unless you are familiar with registry tweaking.
This is from memory so it may be wrong:
1. Start -> Run -> regedt32
2. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB
3. Delete the keys associated with the PNY Attache's Pid/Vid

Also you can delete any pid/vid of 0000 0000

You may need to change permissions in order to delete. Found under edit iirc.

If you are still under warranty

Do an online-RMA, however PNYs video card support IMO has been lackluster at best and very very slow. Their warranties are sketchy and lifetime means only lifetime of the product, their standard 3 year warranty last much longer.

PNY Technical Support and Fax Back Number is 1-800-234-4597, 9a - 9p, Mon - Fri., 10a - 6p, Sat & Sunday.
Thanks for the help guys but in the regedt there was no keys for that drive as it has never worked on this PC and I can't get it to start to work. As for the RMA it's not even worth my time to try and get anything from these people cause by the time I dig out the receipt and send it in I will have more money in that then what the little crappy devices are worth. Thanks but I will just never buy anything from them again!

PS I bought a 40 gig usb HD anyway