PNY 8800gts 512 -- $280 AR + shipping

yeah, nice. but the BFG deal was better because a) it's OC'd and b) it's BFG.
Actually, plain BFG "OC" models are very, very mildly overclocked. I doubt it effects performance very much. It's basically their stock model. Their "OC2" models are the really overclocked ones. That said, I'd go for BFG for customer support and warranty over PNY any day, especially for a measly $20 difference, after rebate no less. :)
Sometimes working late on a Sat. pays off (normally I miss these deals). Hehe. I was going to get one of the BFG 8800GTs a week or so ago but I kept reading about issues with the fans/cooling on their GTs. I'm glad I waited. :D
i still would take a $220 dollar OTD 8800gt over this but a very nice deal still, possibly even hotter than the bfg
It's nice to see some available, but I don't see how this is [H]ot....they should be under $250 by now, but they are keeping the prices stratospheric for these things.
Should i bite on this?! I got screwed by Dell on the 8800gt *deal* and these seems great since i didn't get in on the BFG deal. The question remains, "what's coming around the corner?" Will it pay to wait for the 9000 series or the rumored 8900? No one can say I'm sure. Any Hardware analysts wanna sound off? I'm WILLING to heed.
Should i bite on this?! I got screwed by Dell on the 8800gt *deal* and these seems great since i didn't get in on the BFG deal. The question remains, "what's coming around the corner?" Will it pay to wait for the 9000 series or the rumored 8900? No one can say I'm sure. Any Hardware analysts wanna sound off? I'm WILLING to heed.

we are talking february for any next gen card so better to get on these deals and then sell on then especially if you are running a lower end card just now. thats my 10 cents........
In for 2 of these, i could not resist for the price, 5 year waraanty is a lifetime for a gfx card and I have had PNY's and they always overclocked as well as eVGA...
Should i bite on this?! I got screwed by Dell on the 8800gt *deal* and these seems great since i didn't get in on the BFG deal. The question remains, "what's coming around the corner?" Will it pay to wait for the 9000 series or the rumored 8900? No one can say I'm sure. Any Hardware analysts wanna sound off? I'm WILLING to heed.

I think you can afford to, what games are you playing? If the 8600GT's are plenty for you now (especially for a CPU-based game like TF2)...I'd wait. I was stupid an upgraded to an 8800gt when I shoulda been getting a C2D platform. Don't be an idiot like me haha.
Honestly one word describes my problem: Crysis. I could barely play it with my 8600gt's (SLI'd) and I'm still wanting to go through again. But that's the only reason for me and I'm wondering if it's a good enough reason. Not only that but i checked to see what i can get back for my 8600gt's and it seems like all I'm going to get is a couple of buttons and some lint. All i play as of right now is BF 2142 so I'm trying to justify this versus waiting for the newer stuff.
i can play crysis in all med settings @1280x1024 easy. i only have an msi7900gt (that has cooling probs).
In general, my philosophy is that is it's probably not worth it for just one game, unless you're going to be playing that game a lot. So if you're a huge Crysis fan and are going to play it and replay it time after time, and play it multiplayer for months on end, go for it. If you just want to check it out for it's beautiful graphics on higher settings, they'll still be there when the 9-series comes out.
Everything I read says the GT is better than the GTS, am I missing something here?

Yes, you're missing the fact that the new GTS (the 512MB version, G92) is basically a supercharged GT, and has little to with the old 320/640 G80 GTS. ;) Blame NVIDIA for their strange naming decisions lately, perhaps in part to confuse people into buying the inferior old-stock.

For lots of reviews of the new GTS, see here. The bit-tech review, in particular, compares against the old GTS's. And of course the [H] has their own excellent review as usual.
The 8800GT is using the new chipset (g92) that 8800 GTS in the comparison is using the old chipset. The new 8800GTS uses the new chipset too.

new 8800gts has 512mb
old 8800gts has 320mb or 640mb.
Wow, so this card is beating out the GTX?

It generally beats the GTX in anything shader-intensive, but loses anywhere memory-bandwidth-intensive. Or another way to look at it, it beats the GTX and Ultra 16x10 (and sometimes even 19x12 and 20x15) if there's no AA, but once you crank up the AA or go to even higher resolutions, the GTX wins again. That said, at 16x10 with high AA, I get the feeling that you get 90% of the performance for much less cost; $300 is becoming common for the 512 GTS, while it's still hard for find a new GTX for less than $450, and that's if you're lucky. Unless you're SLI'ing on a 30" monitor, there's just no reason to get the GTX anymore. IMHO of course.

Of course, people make the same arguments as to why a GTS 512 is silly, and you should just get a GT, but that's only if you can get a really good deal on the GT and don't mind the heat and noise. If you get a $260 GT and a good aftermarket cooler, you're already pushing into the GTS's price bracket.
Did anyone that ordered this actually get it shipped out? Mine's still waiting on processing...

also, anyone have the PDF saved for the rebate?
It generally beats the GTX in anything shader-intensive, but loses anywhere memory-bandwidth-intensive. Or another way to look at it, it beats the GTX and Ultra 16x10 (and sometimes even 19x12 and 20x15) if there's no AA, but once you crank up the AA or go to even higher resolutions, the GTX wins again. That said, at 16x10 with high AA, I get the feeling that you get 90% of the performance for much less cost; $300 is becoming common for the 512 GTS, while it's still hard for find a new GTX for less than $450, and that's if you're lucky. Unless you're SLI'ing on a 30" monitor, there's just no reason to get the GTX anymore. IMHO of course.

yeah... where are you getting the idea that the G92 based GTS performs better in shader intensive things? They have identical shader architectures only the G92 has a modified Texture mapping architecture.
yeah... where are you getting the idea that the G92 based GTS performs better in shader intensive things? They have identical shader architectures only the G92 has a modified Texture mapping architecture.

The architecture is similar, but the shader clocks are running faster on the G92. (Source: AnandTech) And the new GTS has the same number of shaders as the GTX, so it's no contest there. The GTX has many other benefits over G92, but definitely not raw shader power.

As for how it works out in practice: The TechSpot review (for example) has the G92 GTS (and sometimes even GT) winning, albeit by a small margin, on most games, some even at the higher resolutions. See Quake Wars and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for the most dramatic examples of that. In Quake Wars, in fact, the new GTS equals the GTX even with 4xAA/16xAF. In some other games though, like the infamous Crysis, the extra shader power of the new GTS just can't win against the larger frame buffer and memory bandwidth of the GTX.
Did anyone that ordered this actually get it shipped out? Mine's still waiting on processing...

also, anyone have the PDF saved for the rebate?

Ditto that.
I usually save these things right away, but I forgot this time.
The file should be called pny_dec2.pdf
I ordered 2 on saturday this past weekend and they arrived on monday 2 days later and I only paid $7 shipping.

The hell with BFG and their shady bullshit they pulled on their so called sale. Apparently my credit was perfectly good at frys but not good enuff for BFG the homos.

If anyone needs the PDF for the rebate, PM me.
Got an email saying my order was delayed and it is unknown when it would be back in stock.