please help! problems burning DVD video files..


Limp Gawd
Feb 28, 2004
Hello, ive searched everywhere and cannot find out the answer to my problem. i have a bunch of dvd video files on my computer(video_ts) but when i burn them to a disk, and i put it in my dvd player, if says No Disk. Ive tried everything. i even tried DVD+R instead of DVD-R. no luck. and yes i have a panasonic dvd player and it is compatible with blank discs. help
I dont know if this would apply to you but for the longest time I had the same problem. Nothing would ever work for me. I was reading up on it because I use nero to burn it. I read up somewhere if you use nero and have any of the windvd software installed on your computer it doesnt burn right. I didnt believe it at first but I uninstalled my windvd copy and player software and tried burning again with nero and everything worked out. So it might be a issue of compatibility within software. Sorry if this doesnt help you.
makaveli27 said:
I dont know if this would apply to you but for the longest time I had the same problem. Nothing would ever work for me. I was reading up on it because I use nero to burn it. I read up somewhere if you use nero and have any of the windvd software installed on your computer it doesnt burn right. I didnt believe it at first but I uninstalled my windvd copy and player software and tried burning again with nero and everything worked out. So it might be a issue of compatibility within software. Sorry if this doesnt help you.

no dice. i deleted windvd but it still doesnt work :(

what are the settings you use on nero? and do you use Dvd-r or dvd+r

please any info you can give would help. this is really bothering me.
I just use nerovision express 2 click on add video files then next, change the title next, next again, and it starts burning. I am currently using maxell 4x dvd-r's and philips 8x dvd-r but anything pretty much works. Do you get any type of error's when you are trying to burn your dvd's?
makaveli27 said:
I just use nerovision express 2 click on add video files then next, change the title next, next again, and it starts burning. I am currently using maxell 4x dvd-r's and philips 8x dvd-r but anything pretty much works. Do you get any type of error's when you are trying to burn your dvd's?

no errors. but isnt nerovision used to convert regular videos into dvds? cause that works for me. i just cant burn Video_TS files in nero.