Playstation 3 Secrets Revealed


Limp Gawd
Oct 13, 2005
the Xbox 360 and PS3 are same-generation machines. One doesn't have additional effects over the other - 360 can do the same effects, just not as many of them simultaneously and with less geometry [because of the speed difference], but memory bottlenecks can kill part of the PS3 speed advantage anyway... the overall visual difference it makes will depend a lot on the developer's skill, and how much time and money the publisher spends on a game

full article here:
Whatever changes are made to the hardware however, we are told that Sony will not be able to meet its initial target of 1080p Full HD that it had originally set and will instead deliver 720p and will upscale it or allow the new TVs to do so. This, apparently, will save CPU cycles and will save gamers from the dreaded loss of frame rate.

Excellent. :rolleyes:
This is just a summary from that BS article that Kikizo wrote... I mean they write that they went to seven developers for info and yet none of the developers allow them to state the name but all the information? Screams BS.

Also the PS3 can easily do 1080p since it was shown off at CES running a Blu-Ray movie at 1080p at full speed.
720p??!? 720p isn't "true HD", neither is 1080i. What happened to 1080p being the only TRUE HD, Ken? Well? :rolleyes: Maybe Sony needs to take a hint from nintendo and just shut their traps until they have final hardware.
Guys, lets not make any assumptions on what the PS3 will and will not have. Sony hasnt said anything officially so these are all rumors. These rumors may become true at E3 this year, they may not. As of right now, it most likely is a bunch of PS3 haters making all these ridicoulous claims.
|MaguS| said:
This is just a summary from that BS article that Kikizo wrote... I mean they write that they went to seven developers for info and yet none of the developers allow them to state the name but all the information? Screams BS.

Also the PS3 can easily do 1080p since it was shown off at CES running a Blu-Ray movie at 1080p at full speed.

Running a 1080p movie and a 1080p game are two totally diffrent things.
TheAmazingXemo said:
Revolution. 480i for the win.

Try 480p standard. Has component and VGA out, so others (higher) are likely possible as well.
Is anyone surprised that Sony lied? Do people honestly not expect it by now? I don't trust a single word that comes out of Moore's or Kutaragi's mouths.
Nintendo has done a good job by not saying anything, and Microsoft has delivered what it promised. However Sony once again, continues to lie ... this is all they do. They did it with the PS2 and non of this surprises me one bit.
|MaguS| said:
This is just a summary from that BS article that Kikizo wrote... I mean they write that they went to seven developers for info and yet none of the developers allow them to state the name but all the information? Screams BS.

Also the PS3 can easily do 1080p since it was shown off at CES running a Blu-Ray movie at 1080p at full speed.

Right cause movies are all acted out in your DVD player in realtime.

steviep said:
Is anyone surprised that Sony lied? Do people honestly not expect it by now? I don't trust a single word that comes out of Moore's or Kutaragi's mouths.

Overpromise, underdeliver.

However, it is worth mentioning that we should probably wait for official articles. Nothing against "megagames", but I trust IGN a bit more...
theNoid said:
Nintendo has done a good job by not saying anything, and Microsoft has delivered what it promised. However Sony once again, continues to lie ... this is all they do. They did it with the PS2 and non of this surprises me one bit.
Microsoft and Sony are pretty big at lying. Sony seems like they do it more because they know they just have to say it and people will believe it but Microsoft is just way to optimistic. PGR3 is rendered at 1024x600 and upscaled to 720p. They said all games would run 720p. Also, that bit about all game supporting 2xAA did not come true. Very few games support MSAA at all.
paranoia4422 said:
just 3 days late

yeah what are you retarded? they already said in the article it will still upscale to 1080p and blah blah, so why wouldnt it be able to watch a movie?

It's talking about games not being in 1080p. It probably will have native 1080p movie support.

On the other hand I have no clue what you are talking about.
theNoid said:
Nintendo has done a good job by not saying anything, and Microsoft has delivered what it promised. However Sony once again, continues to lie ... this is all they do. They did it with the PS2 and non of this surprises me one bit.

ms delivered what it promised? lol

Next generation games will combine unprecedented audio and visual experiences to create worlds that are beyond real and they'll deliver storylines and game play so compelling that it will feel like living a lucid dream."

"To ensure that the next generation delivers, every game is built on what we call Essentials, a foundation of requirements every game must have before it can ship on the Xbox 360 platform."

"With Xbox 360, the age of the jaggies is over, superseded by smooth, lifelike visuals of cinematic quality...Let me just say very clearly: These games will also look amazing on standard definition TV."

"In the HD Era, we are going to deliver the Zen of achieve the perfect mind-body equilibrium as you forget your physical surroundings and you become completely immersed in the game itself."

maybe if you smoke crack.
cypher22 said:
ms delivered what it promised? lol

Next generation games will combine unprecedented audio and visual experiences to create worlds that are beyond real and they'll deliver storylines and game play so compelling that it will feel like living a lucid dream."

"To ensure that the next generation delivers, every game is built on what we call Essentials, a foundation of requirements every game must have before it can ship on the Xbox 360 platform."

"With Xbox 360, the age of the jaggies is over, superseded by smooth, lifelike visuals of cinematic quality...Let me just say very clearly: These games will also look amazing on standard definition TV."

"In the HD Era, we are going to deliver the Zen of achieve the perfect mind-body equilibrium as you forget your physical surroundings and you become completely immersed in the game itself."

maybe if you smoke crack.
um they delivered as far as 1st party games go, but they cant do anything to make a dev finish a game faster...they lied far less then sony ever has

microsoft never promised anything unrealistic
|MaguS| said:
This is just a summary from that BS article that Kikizo wrote... I mean they write that they went to seven developers for info and yet none of the developers allow them to state the name but all the information? Screams BS.

Also the PS3 can easily do 1080p since it was shown off at CES running a Blu-Ray movie at 1080p at full speed.

I wouldn't say just because they couldn't name anybody means it is a load of BS. It's more the content combined with the fact they say they went to that many studios that throws me off. I mean if you say 1 or 2, I'm inclined to believe you, but more than that and odds are you're lying. This is also stregthened by the fact that non of the big gaming sites out there could produce such an article yet these guys could.
|MaguS| said:
Also the PS3 can easily do 1080p since it was shown off at CES running a Blu-Ray movie at 1080p at full speed.

Did you read the original article?
Not the summary linked to here that was apparently written by an illeterate chimp.

Sony wanted 1080p, but we're working at 720p and 1080i, same as on the Xbox 360. Even with [final hardware] in mind, reaching good frame rates at 1080p with next-gen graphics is almost impossible.
So is the 1080p dream lost? It's hard to say for sure, but the developer suggests some games will still support it. "I think native 1080p games will be in the minority. Getting the best effects and performance is easier at lower resolution, so we can offer the gamers more thrills. I don't think this situation will change much."

You can have the fastest hardware in the world and you're still trading resolution for visual effects / quality. Right now there are so few 1080p TVs in people's homes, a developer would be stupid to opt for 1080p over more, better, effects / shaders / geometry in 720p.

The situation may change in the next few years as people buy 1080p TVs and developers squease more out of the PS3's hardware. But for now, developing for 1080p is just a bad descision to make. The comment
we are told that Sony will not be able to meet its initial target of 1080p Full HD that it had originally set and will instead deliver 720p and will upscale it or allow the new TVs to do so. This, apparently, will save CPU cycles and will save gamers from the dread
is simply from a lack of basic reading comprehension on the part of the author at megagames.
ok so once again sony lies. i honestly could care less if the 360 or the ps3 can do 1080p.
if the majority of the public doesn't have a 1080p capable tv, why should it matter to Sony? ok so they LIED, OH NO! Sony lied to us! GASP! how could they?!?!?!?! neither Sony or MS can give a rats ass if they lied to us or not. As long as they get the $$$ it doesn't mean shit to them if their console doesn't support 1080p

i dont even understand why there is a debate about 1080p support. will the great games play any worse at 720p? will it play better at 1080p? will running a game at 1080p make it a better game? so running 50 Cent: Bulletproof (oh god....) at 1080p makes it a better game eh? 1080p or not a great game, is still going to be a great game

btw, most likely the general public cant even tell the difference between 1080p and 720p. yes, the general public is that stupid and brain dead, just look at our culture and media. look at the rehash of crappy movies, rehash of rap music. there's a reason why they keep getting rehashed, cause people buy into it.
Also the PS3 can easily do 1080p since it was shown off at CES running a Blu-Ray movie at 1080p at full speed.

No one said it won't play movies in 1080p, they just won't be playing games at 1080p... not that anyone could care, because less than 1% of HDTV owners own a 1080p capable TV anyway.

I love how everyone tries to act like the PS3 is going to be some monster of a performer. The fact is simply that the PS3 is a 7800GTX, with a proprietary 3.2ghz CPU, and only 256 megs of system ram.

When the system comes out this fall (if we even see it in America this year) the video card will be a generation and a refresh old, the CPU might actually perform better since developers wiil have spent more time with it, and the system ram will be slower (already is) than DDR2 ram in convential desktops.

Sure, I think the system will be a good one, and yes I am buying one (KB&M support on a console FTW!!!) - but it is not going to be nearly as powerful as Sony has basically openly lied it will be.
Xeero said:
ok so once again sony lies. i honestly could care less if the 360 or the ps3 can do 1080p.
if the majority of the public doesn't have a 1080p capable tv, why should it matter to Sony? ok so they LIED, OH NO! Sony lied to us! GASP! how could they?!?!?!?! neither Sony or MS can give a rats ass if they lied to us or not. As long as they get the $$$ it doesn't mean shit to them if their console doesn't support 1080p

i dont even understand why there is a debate about 1080p support. will the great games play any worse at 720p? will it play better at 1080p? will running a game at 1080p make it a better game? so running 50 Cent: Bulletproof (oh god....) at 1080p makes it a better game eh? 1080p or not a great game, is still going to be a great game

btw, most likely the general public cant even tell the difference between 1080p and 720p. yes, the general public is that stupid and brain dead, just look at our culture and media. look at the rehash of crappy movies, rehash of rap music. there's a reason why they keep getting rehashed, cause people buy into it.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
This is old news....then again I frequent Xbox 360 forums....anyway, I knew they wouldn't be able to push out 1080p, as the hardware really isn't any more powerful than what the 360 has. And to think they told people that the machine would be able to push out 2 monitors set at 1080p... :rolleyes: there's Sony for ya...same old shit. This is why I don't like them anymore, after they burnt my ass with the PS2, I won't fall for it again. Am I biased against Sony? Well, of course! Will I buy the PS3? Of course...for MGS4.