Playstation 2 on Dell 2005FWP


Limp Gawd
Aug 1, 2005
I have a Dell 2005FWP 20.1" widescreen LCD monitor, running at 1680X1050 natively. In addition to D-SUB and D-DVI, it has S-Video and Composite video inputs.

I am thinking about hooking up a Playstation 2 to this monitor so I can take a break from the mouse and keyboard every once in a while.

First of all, will this work? What res will the PS2 games run at? Will they run fullscreen?

The resolution depends on the model of PS2 that you have. Older models do not support progressive scan at all, newer (iirc 2003 and up, but not sure) do. In any case, you are looking at 480p at most, only select few games go higher (Gran Tourismo 4 supposedly does 1080i).

Widescreen is done by changing the FOV angle of the game "camera",(the game HAS to support widescreen, selecting "widescreen" option in the OS does nothing for games) so you are still looking at 640x480i/p. I think PS2 games will never get scaled correctly because of that (i.e., the picture is 16:9, but the resolution isn't, you need a display which is 16:9, and 2005fpw is 16:10), but again I am not sure. I don't know what scaling method 2005fpw uses, but 2405 gave me thin black bars *on the sides*, which is totally wrong. In any case, stretching it to fill the screen will produce reasonable results.
I havent bought a PS2 yet, Im going to buy one if this works. So Ill buy whatever is the newest.

As a matter of fact I also have am Dell 1704FPV 17" LCD hooked up to my PC. Would I be better off using the PS2 on this one as it is 4:3 format?

But in general, after stretching, will the result look decent? Will it look a lot more blurry than on a TV? And should I use S-Video or Composite?

I've seen people use their PS2 on Dell 2405's and 2005's perfectly. I've used my ps2 to play Devil May Cry 3 on mine and the game looks like it would on any regular TV. Hell, even dreamcast looks awesome on it!

I've found, since I've only had this monitor for a short time (2405), that it adjusts to things very well. Even games that do not support widescreen do not look stretched at all (tribes 2, hitman2 /3, Star Wars Galaxies, ect)

My advice to you is, try it out. I can only tell you from my experience is that it looks great.
from my experience, my PS2 on my 2005fpw looks like butt compared to my 7 year old sony trinitron tube tv. It scales horrible...what do you expect when you stretch 640x480 out to 1680x1050? I played killzone on it and it just looked blurry and bad. Two tumbs down.
OK I see, some contradictory experiences here.

Anyway, how did you guys connect the PS2 to the LCD?

thanks for the input
You're going to have to use a VGA box or try to find a component to vga or component to DVI adaptor to connect the PS2 to the 2005.

By the way, GT4 is beautiful at 1080i, too bad everytime you start the game you have to go in and change the resolution, nice if sony could have saved that to your memory card with your saved game.
ND40oz said:
You're going to have to use a VGA box or try to find a component to vga or component to DVI adaptor to connect the PS2 to the 2005.

Why? 2005 supports (has actual physical inputs for) both composite (single yellow plug) and S-Video. The only thing OP would need is some sort of switch to direct PS2 audio (white and red plugs) to his PC speakers (switching manually every single damn time is UGLY, just take my word on that :D ).
Ahriman4891 said:
Why? 2005 supports (has actual physical inputs for) both composite (single yellow plug) and S-Video. The only thing OP would need is some sort of switch to direct PS2 audio (white and red plugs) to his PC speakers (switching manually every single damn time is UGLY, just take my word on that :D ).

I believe the OP wanted the HD resolutions enabled for his ps2, if he doesn't, then fine, hook it up through s-video, it'll look like crap.
OC Pirate:

17 and 19 inch LCDs are actually 5:4 (1280:1024, the factor is 256), so they will stretch 4:3 image slightly (everything will be just a tad "fatter" and shorter). Plus, I don't think your 17" monitor has composite/S-Video inputs? You will most likely need a VGA box. I think you are better off with 2005fpw :)
ND40oz said:
I believe the OP wanted the HD resolutions enabled for his ps2, if he doesn't, then fine, hook it up through s-video, it'll look like crap.

Ah, you are right. But how many games support HD resolution? :D Unless OP is a very avid GT4'er...

going back to 480p, which, strictly speaking, is not HD. Will 2005 accept a progressive signal thru S-Video? Will PS2 output a progressive signal thru S-Video? I honestly don't know. It probably won't, then he's looking at getting a VGA box with component inputs, and a component cable for PS2, since that'll be the only way to extract 480p out of it... Dunno if the difference between 480i and 480p is worth the hassle, honestly.
I know in GT4 the differences between 480i, 480p and 1080i are very noticable. GT4 and GT3 are the only reasons I own a PS2 and they and the gta series are pretty much the only games I play on it. If you have a monitor/tv capable of displaying high def content, you are doing yourself a disservice by settling for SD signal if the game supports ED or HD resolutions.
Good discussion going on here. I am sure that the difference between 1080i, 480i and 480p is quite noticeable. However, I will only be playing games like SSX On Tour, Burnout Revenge and Tekken 5. I dont know if they support 1080i, but it sounded like its a bit of hassle to get that to work on the 2005.

I guess I'll borrow a PS2 and see what it looks like when connected directly to the 2005. If it looks decent, I'll buy one.

thanks for all the advice
Don't expect PS2 to look very good on a 2005FPW using Svideo or Composite unless you play it in a small 1:1 window ... I tried hooking up Xbox to my 2001FP via Svideo and it looked *very* bad (blocky),especially when compared to my 32" Sony TV ..Then again you're making the LCD scale down to 640x480 with svideo / composite inputs.. It's not pretty. Ive heard they make external scalers for LCDs that can do a much better job than the LCD's built in scaler but I didnt keep my 2001FP long enough to research it.
did some resaerch and found this...

looks to be a better deal than the previously mentioned transcoder and has a support forum for all the questions and answers you need about the 2005FPW and other monitors.
AndoOKC1 said:
did some resaerch and found this...

looks to be a better deal than the previously mentioned transcoder and has a support forum for all the questions and answers you need about the 2005FPW and other monitors.

Beautiful! Cant believe I didnt find that
CC Pirate,

As others said, do not expect great quality from PS2, it has the worst image quality among this generation of consoles. I can tell from personal experience that component cables noticeably improve it on TV. Now I am actually thinking that going the copmonent VGA box route is worth it just because of that.

If you end up getting one of these VGA boxes, I would be interested in your impressions. I just got a 2005fpw today, and I have a bunch of consoles I wouldn't mind bringing to college and hooking up to it.
CC_Pirate said:
Hmm I see.

I found this thing, and it looks quite interesting:

Will that one solve all problems? The price is a little steep, I wonder if its worth it.

"Please Note that this VGA box is only compatible with signals that support progressive-scan modes. Please check the manual for the device you are connecting to ensure it supports progressive-scan."

That box wont work well with PS2 ,It only works with progressive scan enabled games and a lot of PS2 games don't support progressive scan.

I have a VGA cable for my Gamecube and it works the same way, luckily all of the good Cube games support progressive. The games that dont support it just come up with a "No signal" message on my monitor.
I hooked a buddies PS2 up to my 2405FPW via component and it looked like ass. I didn't tinker with it much, but it just didn't look good at all.

I have hooked up my old Dreamcast to my 2405FPW via composite, and it actually worked really well. Converted it to widescreen and everything.
i'm playing god of war on my 2405fpw via component cables and it looks terrible. this is with the widescreen and progressive scan enabled in-game. I have to borrow my friend's xbox to see if it's any good. I remember playing xbox on a 52" widescreen tv via component and it looked great. Of course, I am sitting 12 inches away from my monitor. Maybe that's why the game looks like ass.

I also owned a 2005fpw and playing PS2 via the s-video cable was no picnic either. I'd rather get a used 27" tv for $75 and set it besides my computer then play on a really good lcd monitor.
yeah i have the VDIGI thing and its really not all that good.

firstly it doens't work with PS2 anyways since ps2 is defaulted to 480i, which the stupid box doesn't support.

it only works for xbox that can be set to default 480p.
Hmm PYROTAK that was interesting. I actually thought that thing was pretty good.
Looks like this is a lost race anyways. I think I'll stick to FEAR, BF2 and Quake IV :p
CC_Pirate said:
Hmm PYROTAK that was interesting. I actually thought that thing was pretty good.
Looks like this is a lost race anyways. I think I'll stick to FEAR, BF2 and Quake IV :p

It's not a lost race, just an ugly one. If you had a CRT monitor, then the quality would be better than that on TV - but since LCDs have native resolution, you're gonna get a crappy pic. Of course when PS3 comes out, you'll have a better chance at a good picture.
All PS2's support progressive scan for games (that are progressive enabled).

Later model PS2's support progressive scan for DVD's.

Dreamcast has VGA output which is why it looks so good (PS2 has no VGA output)

GT4 is progressive enabled for in game action only. Menus are not in progressive scan. So any converter boxes require you to switch back to view menus.....not nice.

It's a hard task finding a monitor to handle PS2 and VGA in reasonable quality.
Sony has just bought out mutil function HD monitors but I dont think they have HDMI inputs so not exactly future proof and the 2 models are 17" wide (16:9) and 19" 4:3.
17" wides are just to small as 17" is the standard these days and going wide in the same size makes it look and feel too small. 19" would have been great in widescreen but why the truck they went 4:3 in a multi function HD monitor I don't know.

Bring on the PS3 and new monitors to handle it all!

In the end nothing beats consoles connected to 50" plasmas!
This is kind of a change of topic, but will it work out a lot better for me if I hook up an XBOX to my monitor instead? It sounds like XBOX has better support for progressive scan and higher resolution.

Like I said, I havent bought my PS2 yet, and the games Im gonna play are Burnout revenge and SSX On Tour. Both of these games are available for XBOX, so maybe I should just get that instead...
yes consoles look like ass on the 2005 and 2405. its how much of that ass you find acceptable. i have my gamecube hooked up to my 2405fpw. sure it doesn't look as great as a tv. but i can accept it. one thing that really bugs me though, is the stupid horizontal scanlines that move vertically downwards when viewing it through the component inputs. this only happens in component too. it doesn't occur through svideo or composite.

or it actually might, i'm gonna have to do more testing when i get home