Plasma TV as gaming display?


Limp Gawd
Oct 13, 2005

I was testing my 1st HTPC setup last night. My TV is a Philips 42" plasma TV which does 1024 x 768. After a few movies I was satisfied with the result. Out of curiosity, I fired up Age of Empire III and I found that the colors are vivid and image actually looked better than my uber 15" Sony (old & small :eek: ) LCD display!

I then tried Planescape: Tormnet. When I play that on my pc, image is blurry because the game only plays at 640 x 480. What amazed me is it looked pretty good on the TV?! Colors are solid and bright and it does not have the blurry problem on the LCD.

I would like to know if it is because my LCD display sucks big time or plasma is better? Will I get quality similar to what I see on the plasma TV with a new display?

anything would look better going from 15" to 42", heh.

there was a reason plasmas werent good for gaming though, something about color or reponce time... also, plasmas dont last as long as LCD's cause of the gasses inside...