Planetside 2 Question


Aug 24, 2003
Hi everyone. I was watching some PS2 videos on YouTube recently. It looked fun, so I thought I'd try it. I went to the site and was denied an account. Is this game an "invite" only game? Thanks.
You were denied? That makes no sense. The game is F2P and requires no invites or money to get started.
Just go to the SOE site and make an account. I have like 10 different free ones over the years. Any station account will work if you've had one in the past, you do not need a PS2 only account.
Need you elaborate on "denied an account", that's out of the ordinary, the accounts are free because the game is free to play, providing you're not doing something stupid it might be that they don't allow accounts to be created from certain IPs, are you behind a proxy or do you share the connection with many other people? They've been banning IP ranges and proxy addresses to stop "bad guys" so this is always a possibility.
Yes. For a solid week, I was denied an account. No explanation other than I could not have one. I tried again last night & was finally allowed in. Thanks everyone.