Planar PX2611W 26"

I think the 24" is a VA panel iirc.

I just recently received my px2611w from mWave (one of the few e-tailers that will ship electronics to Guam) and I must say I am very happy with it. No defects that I can tell from my initial impressions of the unit.

Regarding the backplate that covers the DVI/VGA ports, that can be removed by prying it out from the inside close to the top. It will take a little pressure but mine came off without any damage. Makes it infinitely easier to attach cables.

Thanks to everyone in this forum that gave reviews on this monitor, it really helped me to make a decision in purchasing this wonderful display.
what type panels are used in the px2611? and what retailers have more liberal exchange policies? seems to me that most are exchange only, and then pretty specific in what they will exchange. thanks

.........Haven't been around for quite a while...... So glad to read more happy owners here... Still am in love with my 26" Planar....

Hey, notnyt, can I use your .icc profile on my Mac too?
.........Haven't been around for quite a while...... So glad to read more happy owners here... Still am in love with my 26" Planar....

Hey, notnyt, can I use your .icc profile on my Mac too?

icc is pretty universal. I would imagine so
So I downloaded it to my Dell and am emailing it to my Mac at the office. Will try installing it on Monday.
got mine on thursday - couldn't be happier. screen looks fantastic, no dead pixels or other issues that i can see.

just a quick thanks to all the contributers here, i wouldn't have even known this monitor existed if not for this forum.
Been a long time since I checked up on this thread! I'm happy to see that there is still so much interest in the px2611w !

Since July 2007 mine has been working great. It's fantastic for FPS games and general computer use. I play fast high twitch speed games like Battlefield 2, CoD4, Unreal Tournament III and Quake 1 regularly.

When I first got the display, for a few hours I had one stuck red pixel but that went away and never since have any reappeared!

There is only one issue that I've noticed and that is if I have the contrast low, a bright white background will look a bit blotchy. If I increase the contrast to 40 the blotchiness is effectively gone. In normal work, even at low contrast, the said effect isn't noticeable. Someone else in this thread mentioned this too.

I did the previously mentioned clock and phase at and I notice green across a lot of the panel in the lower center of the screen. The edges of the display in that test look gray. I use a sharpness of 40, always in 'text mode' which I understand from this thread is the best configuration. At 30 sharpness the green hue diminished greatly but I feel that the loss in sharpness is not worth it because the greenish tint in that test never comes through noticeably in regular computer use.

Someone previously mentioned a buzz coming from the display and that he was very sensitive to LCD display noise. I have never *noticed* any humming or buzzing from the display.

For the first day, the joypad/stick controller to navigate the menus was sticky in the left direction but that lasted for only a day. Since then it's been fine and I use it a lot.

How can I upgrade the display firmware? I notice some of you mention having 1.02. I have 1.00. What are the differences/improvements in the newer version(s)?

This is a great computer display. I love it. It has drastically improved my computing experience. It won't give me a full body massage though and I could use one often.

Thanks guys.
Long time browser, first time poster.

I just recieved my PX2611W about a week ago, purchased from CDW. I previously had a Viewsonic VP171s. I noticed as soon as I turned on the Planar how much brighter it was than the Viewsonic. The brightness has increased over the past week, forcing me to use Nvidia's Control Panel, something I did not have to use with the Viewsonic. However, it's been no use. The backlight bleed not only is in the corners, but in throughout the entire area of the display. There no longer is a true uniform black, only a black underneath a hazy white. This is only really evident in full screen windows in which black is prominent. A white window with small black images produce no such visible issues.

I'm of course pondering on sending it back to CDW. However, there are no other issues with the display. Color rendetion is excellent, and there are no stuck or dead pixels. I wouldn't want to get another one and have a number of stuck pixels to deal with, and possibly the same amount of backlight bleed.

Comments are most welcome.
Leave contrast at 50, turn brightness down to 25 or less. Calibrate and set the gamma to 2.2, or use the Nvidia control panel gamma slider to adjust to your visual satisfaction using test images like those found here:
If you can't adjust it to your satisfaction, I'd say get a replacement since you've already had it for a week.
ako23 also maybe another route would be to work directly with Planar. Contact their tech support to see if they can fix the unit you have. In this way you will hopefully not get another unit with something else wrong (or the same issue again) but instead just get it fixed. I'm not sure this is the best route though because your 30 day CDW period might expire and also Planar might not fix the backlight bleeding.

My unit seems to have no noticeable backlight bleeding. It's so minor that it never bothers me, even on a black background.
Just called Planar. It seems they want a picture emailed to them of the display, showing the backlight bleed, and that picture needs to be approved by a manager. There's no telling how long that will take or if the manager will actually approve it. A return to CDW is sounding better and better.
notnyt, so I installed your profile on my Mac, and tried it, but the display doesn't look any better..... The white became warmer and more "peachy"... Not that I'm bothered with the quality of the images on my LCD, I'm actually very happy, still....

I have:

Brightness at 0
Contrast at 40%
Sharpness at 40%

Using Lagom's tests, the BLACKTEST, I can distinguish the squares only from the 2nd raw (even that, with the room lights off).... The 1st raw is almost totally lost.

May have to do a new calibration (eye-one Display 2).... It's been 7 months since I last calibrated....
contrast needs to be at 50.

Also, the display is a bit peachy as you describe until it warms up for about a half an hour.

I recieved my PX2611W today, but I think I have a bad monitor. She's plugged into my Nvidia 8800GT via the DVI cable.. The picture displays red and blue flickering horizontal lines. It also has blotches of red and blue.

Could there be a hardware setting that needs to be tweaked or activated?

Also, is the USB plug necessary?

p.s. Has anyone had trouble with the brightness? I set it to 0% and my eyes still ache. She may be too bright for me....


I recieved my PX2611W today, but I think I have a bad monitor. She's plugged into my Nvidia 8800GT via the DVI cable.. The picture displays red and blue flickering horizontal lines. It also has blotches of red and blue.

Could there be a hardware setting that needs to be tweaked or activated?

Also, is the USB plug necessary?

p.s. Has anyone had trouble with the brightness? I set it to 0% and my eyes still ache. She may be too bright for me....


USB is not necessary. To fix the brightness, you have to calibrate it, or at least turn it down to 25 and then adjust the gamma a bit in your video card control panel (You'll be surprised at the difference this makes, even if you can't set it at exactly at 2.2).

As for the flickering lines and splotches, it sounds defective to me. Sorry man, but you should probably exchange it. :(
Well, it seems that I had a bad DVI cable.

My Nvidia properties menu won't allow me to adjust the gamma? Its grayed out. I'm running a 8800GT. Currently, I have the brightness turned down to 0%.

I tried adjust the colors some, but I'm not real sure about them.
"Currently, I have the brightness turned down to 0%. "

There's a lot of individual variation in how one accepts or is comfortable with light intensity, color. Hence, different acceptability of LCD settings preferences.

One way to lower brightness is to adjust gamma to 2.2 or as close as acceptable via graphics card software. Since it takes some time to get used to that setting, you can try an incremental approach... closer and closer to 2.2; it might take hours or even days to get there.
Still beating the drum for that Planar 26 inch when there is far better value out there with the NEC and other new models.

Oh yeah? Which NEC would that be? What other new models?

If its a PVA, MVA, or TN, you just keep telling yourself long as you don't look at an IPS, you'll be alright.

If its the 2690, its costs alot more and has over twice the input lag, meaning its just not built for gaming.
I was an HOUR from calling CDW and ordering the NEC 2960, and then someone turned my attention to Planar's product..... So I took another day, did more research, thought about it a bit, and decided to save the $600, and go for the Planar.

And I never looked back again.

...But there is always this "spoiler" who comes back here, with his silly frustration.... Why can't I express my satisfaction with the PX2611W on a PX2611W board? Maybe I should post my satisfaction with the PX2611W on the NEC 2690 board?

Hmmmm.... That might not be a bad idea.....
Hey guys,

I've finally had some time with my PX2611W. I was able to adjust my gamma and other settings via my Nvidia properties. I must say that after some calibration work, she looks beautiful, BUT she isn't perfect. However, she doesn't seem to show a lick of ghosting and I haven't noticed any input lag. I can scoll internet pages up and down quickly and she follows right with me.

I'm considering a return for these reasons..

1) She only looks good in PHOTO mode. Color accuracy is still somewhat off, but far better than the other 5 DV modes (Standard, Text, sRGB, Movie and Gaming). I havn't noticed any difference in performance amongst the modes, just color.

2) Text is hard to read

3) Being that the screen is 26" and the screen "graying" off angle, the entire screen isn't black in black scenes. For example, when I move my head from the center of the screen to either end, blacks get blacker. This is the same problem that was reviewed early in this thread. There are a couple pictures illustrating the off angle "smokey like" appreance.

I agree Razmo, the planar just isnt worth the $900, now the DoubleSight is worth the $700.

The problem with photo mode I found was it added banding to the colors, dont know why.
I agree Razmo, the planar just isnt worth the $900, now the DoubleSight is worth the $700.

The problem with photo mode I found was it added banding to the colors, dont know why.

Did you exchange it or return it?

I've had two, and neither had the problems yours did, nor does my friend's, nor from what I can tell do those owned by the posters here. Both of mine were worth $900, especially compared to the best PVAs NEC (2470WNX) and ViewSonic (VP2130b) make, which I also owned. Ditto for my Dell 19" VA. Absolutely no comparison with the Planar.

So I think you got a bad one...
exchanged and returned. I guess I was expecting more for my $900. I am currently sitting in front of a 2707WFP, which looks much better imo. It has its flaws as well though, I made a post about the 2707WFP flaws on anandtechs forums in the LCD thread.

I am just to damn picky.... I know the perfect monitor for me is probably the 26" NEC, but I am not spending that kind of money :-p.... I dont need anything like that...

I am deciding to either settle for the 2707WFP or go for the Doublesight 26" and save $250. The glow just annoys the crap out of me, but atleast it didnt have color shifting issues that the 2707WFP has even viewing it dead center.
If you didn't like the Planar, chances are you won't like the Doublesight.

Speaking of the Dell's PVA viewing angles, try a game with some really dark areas. Do the same thing you did in the "left side is brighter" post (view straight on and then move to the side), and you'll see that all texture and detail in darks and blacks appear and disappear as you move your head. Now add the input lag, and you'll see that the only advantage PVAs have is better blacks, and that is quite offset by the crush and viewing shift. What good are better blacks if you can't view them dead on?

Did you try lowering the gamma on the Planar after turning brightness down to 25 or lower? That fixed the blacks and along with adjusting height and tilt, pretty much eliminated the glow on mine.
Did you exchange it or return it?

I've had two, and neither had the problems yours did, nor does my friend's, nor from what I can tell do those owned by the posters here. Both of mine were worth $900, especially compared to the best PVAs NEC (2470WNX) and ViewSonic (VP2130b) make, which I also owned. Ditto for my Dell 19" VA. Absolutely no comparison with the Planar.

So I think you got a bad one...


Which problems don't you have?

The largest problem I have with the PX2611 is the viewing angle. I don't think a replacement will cure the problem. Are you telling me that your screen stays a constant black when you move your head from side to side?

The glow is a characteristic of IPS panels. With older IPS panels, it was orange at slight angles and purple at extreme angles. With newer IPS panels, it's white. Only the Hazro and NEC monitors don't glow.

The glow is really only a problem from a normal viewing distance in a darker room. If you're in a bright room or if you're watching a movie from several feet away, it's not a problem.

A long time ago, I mentioned that text was slightly fuzzy with the Planar. Don't worry about that. You'd only notice that if you're used to S-IPS panels, which are sharper than other types of panels. H-IPS panels are not as sharp, but they are less grainy. Current S-PVA panels are much worse to me.

There should be banding in Photo mode. Only Text mode and sRGB mode had no banding. Still, the banding should only be noticeable with gradients.

If you're not happy with the colors out of the box, try the profile I made for the DoubleSight:

Settings used:


RED GAIN: 100.0%
GREEN GAIN: 100.0%
BLUE GAIN: 100.0%

You can lower the brightness without affecting the colors if it's still too bright for you.
The glow is a characteristic of IPS panels. With older IPS panels, it was orange at slight angles and purple at extreme angles. With newer IPS panels, it's white. Only the Hazro and NEC monitors don't glow.

The glow is really only a problem from a normal viewing distance in a darker room. If you're in a bright room or if you're watching a movie from several feet away, it's not a problem.

A long time ago, I mentioned that text was slightly fuzzy with the Planar. Don't worry about that. You'd only notice that if you're used to S-IPS panels, which are sharper than other types of panels. H-IPS panels are not as sharp, but they are less grainy. Current S-PVA panels are much worse to me.

There should be banding in Photo mode. Only Text mode and sRGB mode had no banding. Still, the banding should only be noticeable with gradients.

If you're not happy with the colors out of the box, try the profile I made for the DoubleSight:

Settings used:


RED GAIN: 100.0%
GREEN GAIN: 100.0%
BLUE GAIN: 100.0%

You can lower the brightness without affecting the colors if it's still too bright for you.

Is this GLOW a tradeoff for performance? Meaning, does the Planar outperform the NEC 2690?

It's probably a tradeoff for price. The NEC performs a little better for color-critical work. The Planar has less lag, but that has nothing to do with the glow.
It's probably a tradeoff for price. The NEC performs a little better for color-critical work. The Planar has less lag, but that has nothing to do with the glow.


Was it the NEC 2690 that you compared with the PX2611W?

I'm thinking about purchasing the NEC today so that I can compare them side by side and return one. I do worry about this input lag difference with the NEC you mention to that of the Planar. The only realy complaint I have with the Planar is the viewing glow, otherwise she's about perfect.

Just received this display today and I love it. I returned a DELL 2408WFP last week and ordered this to replace it and the Dell cannot even compare to this.

Thanks for the calibration settings Toasty, they work/look great!

What Toasty said. :p You might find this hard to believe, but the white glow is definitely better than the old IPS purple. Its also infinitely better than any of the ridiculous compromises you have to make to own a PVA/MVA.

My fix was to set brightness to 25 or lower (which it should be anyway IMO), adjust the height and tilt (increasing the viewing angle increases the glow), and position it at the back of my desk rather than right in my face. Now its only noticeable on all-black screens at extreme angles.

For a 24", NEC recommends you view from 16" to 28" away from the screen, with 20" being optimal. So if you extrapolate for the larger 26" panel, you'd probably be looking at about 21"-24" being the optimal distance. With my 24" (smaller screen and finer pixel pitch), I HAD to sit close or I couldn't f@cking read anything...but the 26" is perfect at the back of my desk. But if you're one of those people that must have the screen touching your nose, then a large IPS just isn't going to work for you.