Planar PX2611W 26"

er well, msrp is like 20% at least. It could be that msrp is 30%, but that's pushing it. 20% less sounds really fishy, aka, unauthorized retailer. theres always someone schmuck with a phone and a PO box who can get stuff below distributor prices. however, they never normally are themselves authorized dealers.

I call them on the phone and ask them this: are you yourself an authorized dealer or are you a trans-shipper? if I call planar, can they verify that you are an authorized retailer? if they skirt the issue, I end with, "My name is John, I actually am an employee of Planar and am checking up on all retailers." they hang up if they are fraudulent or curse or get defensive. just things I have had to do owning my own business. unauthorized dealers hold no warranty for the item. 1 year warranties account for 9-15% of the cost of most appliances/electronics.... 3 year planar warranty is a huge percentage of the cost of the display, that could account for a large difference in price. just thoughts from someone that has pissed off a lot of unauthorized "dealers" in the past two years.

waiting on newegg to get it in stock... zzz....zz....
Does anyone know anything about (

They list the Planar for $813.44 Shipped (free express shipping). No mention of the monitor being refurbished.

Is this legit? It seems too good to be true, at almost 20% less than other sites, but if it is, this is a killer deal!

I believe I mentioned them before.. I never heard of them, I don't trust deceptively low prices like that. Could be legit, but then again it could be stolen merchandise or just a merchant that is very unreliable.
oh my gosh.... I jsut went on their site.....

lol... I am a new york city guy with 2 nyc businesses..... i can tell you that theresnt a planar dealer on this street. I called planar a few times to get them to spill the beans about SOME sort of unofficial dealer that might not be entirely webbased that deals with high end/volume buyers for business in manhattan. they assured me none existed.

401 Park Avenue South (28th St.),
Manhattan, New York,10016
Phone: (646) 304-5982
FAX : (646) 304-5982


freaky right? a transshipper. If he isnt, I will be 100% shocked. I am calling him up tomorrow. yeah, I said him, it's probably 1-2 people and a cell phone. 646 is designated for all businesses that are brand new. he would have a 212 number if he was around for more than 1 year. Verizon would have hooked him up if he was an older customer too and a regular business with multiple lines, etc.

will call in morning NYCity time and post accordingly.

he is also on the 4th floor..... yeah, lots of electronics boutiques do well on the fourth floor of a building....
waiting on newegg to get it in stock... zzz....zz....

I was thinking of since they have free shipping and it's low in price compared to the over $1000 crowd. But their BBB rating doesn't look too good. :p

Newegg would be an additional $50 or so.. damn, seems like no matter how much I save I will wind up slightly under what I need. :(
bah, i was going to knock him down more, but I will call micro center and planar about this person's business tomorrow. hate to ruin someone who might be discounting and authorized.

He claims to be working out of some sort of Micro Center thing. I am going to show microcenter (1/2 mile from where I live) this page and ask them if they appreciate his phone support.
I think when I get mine, I might as well just order it directly from Planar... What do you guys think? If I am going to pay shipping might as well get it right from the source.
might as well. msrp holding is really lame and price gouging. planar itself is supposed to be 5-10% higher priced than its retailers to encourage them to sell, not have them same price or higher :)

I just found brick and mortar places that sell planar panels. moan.... it's nice to catch a head of sales person at a company lying. the distributor is called ADI. they seem to carry a vast majority of their line. shrugs. more calls for tomorrow.
UrielDagda mine came from with stains and a few superficial holes but the display itself was fine. It wasn't double boxed. Boxed in thick cardboard. The FedEx man attempted to deliver to the wrong building the first day. Glad someone didn't answer the door & take the item. They apologized. Took an extra day being cooped up inside waiting for them to deliver. Brick & mortar are nice in that respect.
I'm having one issue with the display that I can't figure out. In Windows Vista, the display correctly knows when a different resolution is being used and will correctly go to 1:1, aspect or full mode. However in WinXP, it won't do that. It stays suck in full mode and always thinks the resolution is 1900x1200. I looked for display drivers on the planar site but couldn't find any for the PX2611W.

Would someone help me with this please?

******Update - I just installed the latest nVidia drivers and that fixed it! Was using 158.22, I think. Now I'm using 162.18_forceware_winxp_english. All working well now!

As far as configuring color modes.. The display has four, 9300k, 7500k, sRGB and USER. So far, I prefer sRGB but it doesn't look like sRGB to me. sRGB still looks like wide gamut but I could be mistaken.
Too bad I missed the uber 7% off coupon.. Oh well.. I still don't know about them though.. They seem to get a lot of complaints. But then again maybe does Planar.. dunno. They don't seem to have been in the consumer LCD business for that long, looks like they have a history of medical equipment display manufacturing though.
Some of Planar’s consumer monitors are almost 3 years old. I found some reviews on some of them to verify how old the 24” monitor is. Planar is an established company that has carried several different size models to sell along side their medical monitors for added sales. Their products are generally of high quality for commercial use. This also explains the lack of inputs on the PX2611.
UrielDagda said:
Hey Toasty, are you going to try to get Planar to send you a new one because of the backlight bleed? If you do, tell us what the experience was like dealing with them.
I was just going to return it if I can, but if won't let me, I'll try to get a replacement through Planar.
I have even better news regarding lag.

The more I analyzed the lag shots, the more I realized there might actually be less than one frame of lag, because like I mentioned, some of the shots show the LCD just starting to transition to the frame being shown on the CRT. Then it hit me. Why don't I duplicate the timer at the top and bottom of the screen? So that's what I just did.

I got some interesting results:

All of the shots show the Planar is really only slightly behind the CRT in drawing the current frame, which could just be due to the response time. That's why all the good shots showed one frame of lag in my previous test. The Planar actually has less than one frame of lag!
check for ratings on the store. If it hasn't been rated by anyone at all, don't go near it.

That being said got me my order quickly and it's definitely the real deal, no problems at all.

Chumbo on the other hand were worse than useless (advertise at outrageously low prices the miraculously discontinue the item two days after they restock it)

So it's up to you. But do your research first, check for negative feedback on them and then decide if the discount is worth the risk.
I have even better news regarding lag.

The more I analyzed the lag shots, the more I realized there might actually be less than one frame of lag, because like I mentioned, some of the shots show the LCD just starting to transition to the frame being shown on the CRT. Then it hit me. Why don't I duplicate the timer at the top and bottom of the screen? So that's what I just did.

I got some interesting results:

All of the shots show the Planar is really only slightly behind the CRT in drawing the current frame, which could just be due to the response time. That's why all the good shots showed one frame of lag in my previous test. The Planar actually has less than one frame of lag!

Do you think the slightly degraded backlight bleed problem has anything to do with the panel being opimised for a faster response time?
wEvil said:
Do you think the slightly degraded backlight bleed problem has anything to do with the panel being opimised for a faster response time?
No, I don't see how they're related.

Thanks for all the detailed and controlled testing you've done. It's very nice to have solid numbers instead of just a bunch of hand-waving and subjective opinions. Having said that, I'm gonna ask for your opinion now :D The most disturbing thing to me about your results so far is the brightness/contrast uniformity, or lack thereof. How noticeable is this for normal use? I know that this is exaggerated when the display is dark. I won't be watching any movies on mine, but I do some gaming where part of the screen would be dark, and a lot of photo editing where uneven brightness could really annoy me. What's your personal opinion of how bad it looks for this type of use, or at least what you've been using it for?
Too bad I missed the uber 7% off coupon.. Oh well.. I still don't know about them though.. They seem to get a lot of complaints. But then again maybe does Planar.. dunno. They don't seem to have been in the consumer LCD business for that long, looks like they have a history of medical equipment display manufacturing though.

I would highly recommend not for best price, but for good service, reliability, and quality.
Since CDW was mentioned... I CALLED them and talked to a guy who gave me this really good price of $982 without me trying to push it... If you want my guy's name, it's Andres 877-823-5934. And there was no sales tax involved! You can mention my name.

Don't know their freight charges (if at all) since I picked it up from their warehouse in my area.
MentatYP said:
The most disturbing thing to me about your results so far is the brightness/contrast uniformity, or lack thereof. How noticeable is this for normal use? I know that this is exaggerated when the display is dark. I won't be watching any movies on mine, but I do some gaming where part of the screen would be dark, and a lot of photo editing where uneven brightness could really annoy me. What's your personal opinion of how bad it looks for this type of use, or at least what you've been using it for?
It depends on the viewing conditions. In a dark room, it's noticeable in dark scenes, but the white glow obstructs some of it from a normal viewing position. In a lit room, it's not really noticeable unless you put up a black screen and sit back several feet.
well, andres is doing the same for me just + shipping. its a bit tight on the 999, 982, but I guess planar has restrictions, aka, unilateral price fixing. not bad, not good.

now i have to figure out if 1k is worth it.

I think if the above person hadnt purchased it at 982, I would have gotten it at about 50 dollars less than that even. he doesnt want to seem like he's sleezy though which I understand.
Nice to see how ~El~Jefe~ , the fervent Planar banishing guy, is quite quickly becoming so trustful, he's willing to shell out his precious $1k....

Somebody here must be doing a good job... heh heh...

Don't forget to come back with your report, ~El~Jefe~

And yes, we're also curious about that other place, those neighbors of yours from the 4th floor...
I wasnt a PRODUCT basher, I was and am a company basher. they really offer no help over the phone and are locked into to not selling to stores. they are silent about dead pixels and refuse to discuss locations. they are a rebadger, I dont care how good the rebadging is. What I have found though is that contact at CDW, Andres, he seems to be an ok guy willing to help, so that is now the personal contact I need to get the storefront purchase a reality. He said he has never seen a dead pixel report ever on one of these. However, ungenuinely, he did not give out what the company does or doesnt do when a dead pixel or some other thing, is wrong about the panels. Still, benq customer service is the best. shrugs.

I will figure this out on monday.

the other place is a scam. he somehow buys crap and sells you it and is trustworthy as GW bush. yay. his phone didnt even pick up, it went right to fax twice in the same day during business hours. hm. sure sign of a well formed company. dont expect any warranty from that guy to be honored by the manufacturer.
A rebadger? I guess, technically, most LCDs are rebadged since there are only a few companies that make the actual screens.

Oh, yeah to the people that have gotten this.. is the DVI connection single link? I know pretty much all 1920x1200 LCDs are.. just want to be 100% sure. :)
A rebadger? I guess, technically, most LCDs are rebadged since there are only a few companies that make the actual screens.

Also, what is so awful about rebadging if the result is a great price?

Now if this monitor were available in Canada for $1K USD, I'd be stoked.
Another reason why I think they do business the way they do is because the bulk of their business seems to be the medical field. A lot of business-oriented companies just sell stuff through resellers they authorize. Plus I never see any half decent stuff at an electronics store like Best Buy or CompUSA.. And even if they carry them, at least no store I have been to, displays the better stuff. And their prices are usually much higher.
Also, what is so awful about rebadging if the result is a great price?

Now if this monitor were available in Canada for $1K USD, I'd be stoked.

To tell you the truth, I don't think they are actually rebadgers.. unless somebody else is making the innards other than the LCD screen and backlight. Most rebadging I have seen were where they took fully assembled monitors that were totally made by somebody else with just a custom bezel with the name of the rebadger on it. That's like the HP version of the FW900 I have.. All the controls and the base and everything except the color and name on the bezel are identical, at least from all the pictures I have seen of the Sony version.
Hehe. I just found out about the ViewSonic VX2835wm. It's 28" and costs about $250-$300 less than this planer here in the US. I think it is using a TN panel. Reviews are decent for it though. Maybe that would be better for gaming or general computer use. Anyone here have any feedback on why the Planar would be better? S-IPS that much better?
S-IPS that much better? -- Yes. And it's not even S-IPS, its H-IPS, which is a more upscaled version of the -IPS panels.

The TN panels are the lowest level of the 3 (read about it on this thread or others under the "Displays" section of this forum.).

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't ever buy it, it just a matter of what you need your display for.
3 questions for the"professionals" here:

A. SHUT OFF AT NIGHT? CRT monitors they tell you not to turn them off at the end of the day, 'cause just like computers, starting them up causes more wear-n-tear than leaving them on (with the Screen-Saver on). But what about LCD monitors? Seems to me that, unlike CRT, it's better to turn them off for the night, certainly for the weekend.... Why shorten my monitor's life?

B. ENERGY SAVER? If leaving the monitor on, what's the right way to put it on energy-saver? To me it seems like the Screen-Saver is not really saving ANY energy (images moving on the screen). I don't see a way to turn the monitor to sleep (darken the display) on its own... I know one of my (Mac's) Screen-Savers should darken my display, should I use that?

C. COLD DISPLAY TURNED ON When first turning on the display, is there a time frame for it to get to its true brightness? To me it seems that at first it's darker, and it takes a few minutes to "warm up" and get to its normal brightness...
Why would I want this over the Dell 2707? Is the pixel response better? (less frame lag?) better color reproduction? or something else I'm not understanding...

S-IPS that much better? -- Yes. And it's not even S-IPS, its H-IPS, which is a more upscaled version of the -IPS panels.

The TN panels are the lowest level of the 3 (read about it on this thread or others under the "Displays" section of this forum.).

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't ever buy it, it just a matter of what you need your display for.

Thanks UrielDagda and amikoenig. amikoenig do you have specifics on H-IPS? All I can find in google is "High aperture-ratio IPS. With a high aperture ratio, you get higher contrast (700:1->750:1 according to a Mitsubishi PDF). Yes, it's probably better than an AS-IPS."

Here's another page with some info but there is no mention of H-IPS -
No, all I read here, or somewhere else, is that H-IPS is better, more advanced than S-IPS.
Why would I want this over the Dell 2707? Is the pixel response better? (less frame lag?) better color reproduction? or something else I'm not understanding...

H-IPS or S-IPS whichever IPS version this is is consider to have superior color reproduction compared to PVA models which is what is in the 2707. The main reason is due to viewing angles. You can move your head around while viewing a IPS monitor without the colors shifting. PVA panels are much better than TN panels but they will still shift (generally above 45 degrees, etc).
Example of 2707 angles
Now compare that to the NEC2690 (which has the same panel as this monitor) NEC2690.

I have read some claims of IPS being faster than PVA panels but I don't have any links to back that up.:D
I enjoy it a lot.

But I'm waiting for my calibration system to arrive (Eye-One) to do the job, so that I can REALLY judge how good and accurate are the colors and grayscale of this monitor...
Is there any conceivable way to have both a dvi from the computer going to this panel, as well as an HDMI cable going to it? any sort of lossless switch or something ?

Also, does hdcp accept something like a switch or does bill gates come and punch you in the nuts if it detects something strange? I just doubt this whole hdcp hardware handshaking/drm stuff.