Plain black XP theme


Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2004
i want to find a way to turn the blue taskbar and green button as well as the blue windows to black. just like the regular one nothing fancy. i have looked everywhere on the net but the only ones i can download are way to fancy and i cant figure out how to make one.

thanks in advance
there is no way to do it other than installing a black theme man
whats the best place to get themes? ones that dont install spyware and all that shit with it.
trix5032 said:
i want to find a way to turn the blue taskbar and green button as well as the blue windows to black. just like the regular one nothing fancy. i have looked everywhere on the net but the only ones i can download are way to fancy and i cant figure out how to make one.

thanks in advance
I have looked everywhere for an identical program. One that simply changes the fricking taskbar color. Unbelivably THERE IS NO SUCH DAMN PROGRAM!

It would seem like a simple thing to do but Argh. :mad:
What you are really wanting to do is to change the themes in XP. Unfortunately, nobody at MS has released a "black" theme. I've heard, though don't know, that MS wants you to pay for "extra" themes (Plus-pack, etc).

You can go with Windowblinds but that seems a little much for me.

Another option is to get a "hacked" version of uxtheme.dll (the file that controls the themes) and then get a few msstyles files from somewhere (check deviantart for styles). I really dig the Vistablack 6 style. It changes everything to look like WMP11... very slick.

Google around. This is a very simple process to perform.