PixPerAn LCD test program

Nice find!

I just tried it on my monitor here at work (not sure what its supposed to be rated, 15" planar) and i got:

Flag test: b->w: 64.4%, w->b: 95.0%, b->g: 68.2%, w->g: 63.2%
Chase test: 12(28.6ms), 13(31.0ms), 11(26.2ms)
Readability: Tempo 7

Didn't really care much about the game/graphic. I would be interested in knowing what those 2001FPs get!

I can't wait to try this on my CRT!
I would like also to see how the new version of
Samsung's 172x performs (and 2001FP of course).

Here's my results on my FP2001: (default settings)

Graphics mode: 1600x1200 @ 32 bpp
Frame rate: 60.1 Hz
Gamma factor: 1.095

Flag test: b->w: 100.0%, w->b: 100.0%, b->g:-, w->g:-
Chase test: 100(166.7ms), 100(166.7ms), 100(166.7ms)
Readability: Tempo 1
Game: Score: 21 Points, hit rate: 5%
streaky graphic:

Originally posted by OopsX
Flag test: b->w: 100.0%, w->b: 100.0%, b->g:-, w->g:-
Chase test: 100(166.7ms), 100(166.7ms), 100(166.7ms)
Readability: Tempo 1
Game: Score: 21 Points, hit rate: 5
Ooops, what does "Chase" mean?
Also, does program measure actual "Response Time"??
Originally posted by OopsX

Here's my results on my FP2001: (default settings)

Graphics mode: 1600x1200 @ 32 bpp
Frame rate: 60.1 Hz
Gamma factor: 1.095

Flag test: b->w: 100.0%, w->b: 100.0%, b->g:-, w->g:-
Chase test: 100(166.7ms), 100(166.7ms), 100(166.7ms)

The flag test looks great! But the chase test is supposed to measure response time, I think maybe you were a bit to conservative on it?

Just so people know, the flag test tries to measure what percentage the monitor can change from full white to full black in 1/60 of a second (and vice versa). The chase test is supposed to measure response time for a few different colors.

I am about to try this out on my CRT just for comparison.
Just for comparison I did it on my CRT (FE2111SB). Some interesting things came about.:

Graphics mode: 1280x960 @ 32 bpp
Frame rate: 98.2 Hz
Gamma factor: 1.1937

Flag test: b->w: 88.0%, w->b: 100.0%, b->g:-, w->g:-
Chase test: 1(0.9ms), 2(1.8ms), 3(2.6ms)
Readability: Tempo 17

It seems the the rise time (or equivlant) is super fast for my CRT (as expected). This is apparent by the chase test. But if you look at the flag test, you can see that transitioning from black to white (fall time equiv) is not a fast. I can see noticible "trailing" or "ghosting" when the monitor attempts to display white, then transition it to true black, which is something the flag test simulates. But when the monitor transitions from one color to another (not black), it pretty much occurs instantly. This must be why games have absolutely no ghosting in them. The big difference for me compared to my work CRT is how much farther i was able to get in the readability test... The reason I finally failed was that my eyes couldn't track fast enough! But if I had been able to take a picture with a camera, I could have read the word (IE no blurring).

Hehe. Love this program. Kind of freaked me out at first to see the white ghosting/trailing, but I bet it is something that every CRT would do (white to black).
Graphics mode: 1600x1200 @ 32 bpp
Frame rate: 60.1 Hz
Gamma factor: -

Flag test: b->w: 100.0%, w->b: 100.0%, b->g:-, w->g:-
Chase test: 2(3.3ms), 4(6.7ms), 6(10.0ms)
Readability: Tempo 2
Game: Score: 80 Points, hit rate: 15%
streaky graphic:

(I couldn't figure out to do exactly with the streaky graphic test. )

:D :D Zbose, slow up there !! :D :D
You're way ahead of me.
Apparently you know what this proggy is doing, I don't.
In 'Chase" test,(NOTE: I don't adjust any controls, don't touch a thing----I just click on 'Chase Test')
and the screen opens, and I see 3 bars and I see 50..50..100.
Now what the frig is that?
What has that got to do with my LCD "response time"? (The mfr rates it on spec sheet as "25ms").
Was I supposed to adust something in that "Chase" screen?
:eek: Sheesh !! :eek:
Real newby here on running this, so will you explain please?
Thanx :D
Originally posted by Rim
:D :D Zbose, slow up there !! :D :D
You're way ahead of me.
Apparently you know what this proggy is doing, I don't.
In 'Chase" test,(NOTE: I don't adjust any controls, don't touch a thing----I just click on 'Chase Test')
and the screen opens, and I see 3 bars and I see 50..50..100.
Now what the frig is that?
What has that got to do with my LCD "response time"? (The mfr rates it on spec sheet as "25ms").
Was I supposed to adust something in that "Chase" screen?
:eek: Sheesh !! :eek:
Real newby here on running this, so will you explain please?
Thanx :D

hehe, sorry about that. When you open the chase test, you should have some squares moving across the screen. The only controls you should worry about changing are the ones below the screen (distance, tempo, and something else, i forget). What you are supposed to do is reduce the distance bar until the blur of color trailing off the leading square begins to touch the following square. This distance is used by the program to approximate what your response time is. What you are simulating is the time for the pixel to go from the first color -> background color -> white. That ends up being the fall+rise time (or response time). This is all completely subjective though, and depending on how you interpret "blur" you can have better/worse results. I would try it on a CRT if you can just so you can see what fast/negligible response time looks like.

Anyway, once you have set the distance for the first color, hit F2 to get the second standard color, F3 for the third. Do it for all three.

You can adjust the bars at the top of the screen to make custom color setups for fun.

With a 25ms response time, you should expect to see most of your reponse times fall under or at 25. There may be a few color scenarios that are much worse, maybe 40 to do grey->black->grey as was the case with my AG neovo LCD.

Hope this helps!
This is all completely subjective though, and depending on how you interpret "blur" you can have better/worse results

Yep I agree. Don't care for this program as a measurement tool. The instructions were difficult, not intuitive, and open to misinterpretation.

As a business programmer analyst myself documenting how you want people to use your software needs to be as simple as possible and factually correct.

This program is not it.
Originally posted by msny
Yep I agree. Don't care for this program as a measurement tool. The instructions were difficult, not intuitive, and open to misinterpretation.

As a business programmer analyst myself documenting how you want people to use your software needs to be as simple as possible and factually correct.

This program is not it.

I agree that this program is not documented well (was written in german and partially translated). But it is free, so its hard to really fault the author for any short-comings.

The problem with testing something like response time is that short of special equipment, the best tests you can do will still be subjective. So while I agree that using this tool to compare displays over the internet is not ideal (as in, me comparing my display results to yours), using it as a tool to compare displays in person (same person's eyes for each monitor) is quite sufficient. The next LCD i bring home will be compared using this program to my CRT. When I can't (personally) tell the difference, then I will have found my gaming LCD :)