pins 1 and 2 fried on psu. cause?

Jun 11, 2003
so i've been having comp problems for the past few days and it keeps getting worse. i narrowed it down to the psu, mobo or vid card (been having alot of crazy disco artifacts). i needed a new psu anyway so i got a new one along with a new video card (needed a new one too). i just now went to replace the psu and found that pin 1 and 2 on the 20 pin connector seemed to have gotten cooked. the connector on the mobo barely looks darker where those two connections were.

im trying to find info as to what these particular pins are for but havent had much luck. anyone had this problem before? do you think the mobo screwed up the psu or the other way around? im afraid to hook up the new psu and card at this point.

antec 350w with probably way too much running off of it
abit NC7 maxII
ati 9800pro

any advice/input appreciated
Hmm. When the connector burns out like that, it means that something was drawing too much and exceeded the connector specs.

The other motherboard power connectors are attached, right?
yea they were

well i talked to a friend an he said it sounded like a typical case of drawing too much power from the cpu. i went ahead and switched it out with an antec true control 550w and im having no problems now at all. played some games and ran 3dmark and got no artifacts whatsoever, so im hoping that means all is well and no damage was done to the other parts.
