Pictures from Kenya (50 pics = ~6MB)


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 7, 2000
Sadly, I wasn't the one behind the camera this time. :(

All pics taken with a Digital Rebel with a 100-300mm zoom lens.

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DUDE! Fucking awesome pics man. I would someday love to go to Africa, I just love the wildlife there. Can you PM me the full rex of them? I would be very grateful. If you not on broadband and its too much for you can i pick ~5 or 6 pics for you to send me? PM here or under the same name. I know you from the D&S thread. :)
Holy bandwidth Batman! Poor iupload. :(

Nice pics though. :cool: If you were not behind the camera, then who was?
WOW now those are some awsome shots. I love the one with the hyena and the zebra leg just great.

agentzero9 said:
Holy bandwidth Batman! Poor iupload. :(

Nice pics though. :cool: If you were not behind the camera, then who was?
There was a warning for a reason! :eek:

I believe my mom was behind the camera on most of them.
Ariez said:
DUDE! Fucking awesome pics man. I would someday love to go to Africa, I just love the wildlife there. Can you PM me the full rex of them? I would be very grateful. If you not on broadband and its too much for you can i pick ~5 or 6 pics for you to send me? PM here or under the same name. I know you from the D&S thread. :)

Here are a few full resolution pics: (giraffes) (lioness) (lion) (hippos) (elephant) (cheetah)
Those pictures are AMAZING! You've just inspired me to add kenya/africa as a stop of many of the places I want to visit around the world.
Ariez said:
The cheetah one is BY FAR my favorite.
Same. It is my background right now.

Plus, that is the pic straight off the camera. Not too bad for a telephoto lens at dusk if you ask me. Needs a little working on though.
antoniohawk said:
Farking nice pictures man. I wanna know what kind of animal that is.
Good question! I need to ask about that one. I was told once, but I can't remember.
man those are great. i knew i wanted to visit kenya. now i want to visit kenya now. wow.
Looks like you had a good time there!

One thing I noticed in most of your photos was the harsh lighting. Did you bring a polarizer filter with you? That would have cut down the hash lighting significantly and made the colors more vibrant instead of washed.
TBONEU said:
Looks like you had a good time there!

One thing I noticed in most of your photos was the harsh lighting. Did you bring a polarizer filter with you? That would have cut down the hash lighting significantly and made the colors more vibrant instead of washed.
I'm pretty sure we have a polarizing filter for that lens, but if they used it or not I don't know. I'll ask when they get back.
mmmm..... bloody zebra ribs ;)

definetly some cool pictures there. i would love to go there sometime, maybe after college i will go :)
compslckr said:
mmmm..... bloody zebra ribs ;)

definetly some cool pictures there. i would love to go there sometime, maybe after college i will go :)
Ribs.....Man I wanna go to Chilis now, argh! Just got into work too, thanks for saying that now I friggin hungry for some juicy babyback ribs lol