Picture Phones of the World Unite


Nov 3, 2001
ATTENTION: everyone that has a picture phone I am trying to start a page that highlights pictures from people phones (camera phones) and am having a pic of the week every week, and I want some support so if you have any interesting pics I will sort through them every week and find the most: interesting best taken and just cool picture of them and the ones submitted will always be a possible candidate although if they didn't get picked the first time they will

probably have a hard time the second or latter week, but if I don't get any good ones then who knows. The picture needs to be somewhat in focus (enough to make out what it is we are looking at) and a small discription of yourself.


The site should have my email and you can send the pictures there. Check back often.


P.S. I don't know where else to post this (I was going to try the General Mayhem section but I cant post there for some reason.) So if you know of a place that is for just generally anything just put this thread there!
You have to subscribe to have access to General Mayham. If you are subscribed then I dont know why you cant post.

LG vx6000 I think nice phones limited storage though you can only have 20 pics at any one time. Also I am not on this site all the time and I just recently moved and didn't realize about the subscriptions thing. Cool I might have to at some point.

The site's been updated to have a PS'd pic now. Check it out and submit if you have a camera phone.

dude they are not nice over there, haha

i would submit a pic but i have an ericsson t616 and it takes horrible photos
I would forget those guys...if your having a good time doing it...then knock yourself out and be proud of it.