Pick one.


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
I think i have my choices narrowed down to these two laptops from BB.


The Asus looks to have better specs for the cash, but i hear there is an overheating problem with the Nvdia cards in this particular laptop.

I also really wanted to have blu-ray ability. I guess i could update the Asus to Blu-ray. Any issues with sony laptops?

Any opinions?
Take the Asus, grab one of the Panasonic Blu-ray drives from Geeks.com for $65 and you're still ahead... the Asus is the one to get, without even thinkin' about it. ;)
Is the 12 cell battery on the sony really going to give 4 hours of usability? to my wife that is worth something considering the kids could make it through a couple of movies.
I will check them out in person in about 45mins. I am not sure what i am going to be coming home with.

The way i see it atm it is speed/gaming -vs- battery life/blu-ray/picture quality.

According to the spec sheet the sony is smaller/lighter also.....

I hate buying things i am unsure about.
The G71 is currently having the video card downclock whenever the temperature hits around 82 degrees C. This means that if you do not have the laptop over a cooler you'll see your fps drop down to 5-ish. Its been happening to all of them. A rep posted that they should have a BIOS update late next week.

The G51 gets hot but does not downclock. Without a cooler it peaks at around 87. Some folks have been replacing the thermal paste because it is seen to not be applied sufficiently.
I would pick the Asus laptop. I am curious why they would pack so many features into that laptop then leave gigabit ethernet out.
Well i purchased neither of these. I grabbed the Sony on Amazon here it is close to the specs of the others, with the exception of the RAM and Vid Card. I will see if i regret this decision.

BTW with the rebate i grabbed it for 1053 delivered to my door next day.Should be here tomorrow July 3rd.
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Ordered it at 5pm delivered the next morning at 9am, cannot complain about the shipping.

So far so good with this purchase.
So far i have been very pleased with it.

One of the main features i liked about the laptop was the keyboard. While looking at the Asus from the previous posts my kids actually pulled 2 keys off of one of the "normal" laptop keyboards nearby. The design of this keyboard looks different, only time will tell how durable they are. As this is my first laptop i have nothing to compare the layout too, but it will take me a bit to get used to typing on it.

I very much dislike the lack of a number pad, however.

As far as the use of the machine. All i have done at this point is transfer everything over form my other 3 computers and watched 1 Blueray (Wall-e) it performed just as expected for a 2.5ghz with 4gb Ram and 7200 rpm drive.

I am very happy with the size and looks of this machine. I know it doesn't matter what it looks like to most people i do like the fact that it isn't "flashy" or shiny. It is a nice compact and understated design for a 16" screen. Compared to the ASUS it feels/looks much smaller IMHO.

The battery lasted about 4hours doing nothing but sitting on the dektop transfering files back and forth.

When the wife isn't watching me I will load up Fallout 3, and Crysis and see how they run. (had to tell her it was just to surf/work use)

Sorry if this isn't much helpfull, but i really have nothing else to compare it too. I am writing this on the laptop as we speak, so.....

I have the choice of 4 computers and i am using the laptop.... that must count for something.

Am i happy with my purchase? Yes, Would i make the same choice again? Yes.
I've got the Asus G51vx BB edition. It runs 60-70 degrees C normal use. Spikes to as high as maybe 90 after several hours of gaming (Mass Effect, high settings) - it should be noted this is a gaming laptop, so those temps are normal. The side vent gets hot (duh, the airs venting here), but the bottom (sitting on my lap the entire time) is just barely above warm and nowhere close to "hot."

It can OC to 2.25 easy, I've taken it to 2.5 STABLE, running Atitool for 1.5 hours without crashing, locking up or artifacts. I'm still learning about messing with GPU's though so I cant speak to those, but it seems the GPU can be OC'd as well, mine came 500/799 (core/video mem.) out of the box.

Battery is about 1-1.5 with keyboard lights off, screen at 3/4 brightness and wifi on. Again, it's a gaming laptop so you're not going to be traveling without a cord like a netbook will allow.

I did see a speed boost when I swapped the HDD that came with it (320GB seagate) for my 500GB WD as the primary drive. For $999 it was a great deal. I'm happy to answer any questions about it you have the best I can, just ask.
I almost grabbed the 51 rather than get the 71 from BB, the new ones with the 260m are reporting problems with overheating and the vidcard shutting down.

I know that ASUS will be fixing whatever issues it has. The gamer inside of me wanted the ASUS and its power. My other half wanted the sony.

BTW where was your review/opinion BEFORE i grabbed this lappy?