Photo hosting appliance or software


Aug 9, 2002
I currently utilize phanfare for hosting about 20GB of images online. The site serves to both provide solid backups of my original photos and also to host them on the web with compressed and original quality photos easily available for download. There are also nice security controls. The problem with phanfare is that they jacked their prices up to more than I feel comfortable paying.
Does anyone know of a network appliance that can host a decent photo site or maybe a good server software program that can do the same thing on a dedicated box? My linksys router hosts an FTP site using an external USB drive and it rocks but is not what I need for a picture site. I want to make albums and have good security controls.
Any ideas?
smugmug is the best i have found and it's pretty cheap.
you will need no more than the power account which is only $60/yr unlimited storage