Photo blog software


Oct 7, 2003
I'm not sure what to call what I'm looking for, so I'll just try to describe it. If I want to share a photo stream / collection (along with text descriptions) with family, what's the best way to do that on the web (short of just coding your own website)? I'm looking for something with an interface almost like [H]Forum where you can super easily add text descriptions, pictures, etc. What do I search for or what types of services/sites perform that function? I'm mainly looking for quick and simple. Also where do you recommend hosting photos? I used to use Photobucket until their lame policy of no free hotlinking.
I think you should be good to go with

Outside of that, if this is something that you want to share with family only, you might also look into setting up a facebook account, and connect with your family members only. Assuming of course, that they all use FB.

Beyond that, setup a photo site on smugmug or zenfolio, but that's probably a lot more work than you want to deal with.
I agree more or less with what has been stated. I probably would just go with Facebook.
Honestly, most people in families are on it. You can individually label each picture. It can be set to only be viewable by certain people. You can separate things by album. Sharing with family and having them actually see it is more or less built in.
There isn't really any reason to complicate this or use something that will require you to pay money.

Flickr, which has been mentioned, also does basically this. But less people in your family may have a Flickr account. If everyone is on an iPhone, you can literally use iCloud sharing to share it with everyone. Google photos with its cloud services also does the same thing.

Basically, at this point it's super simple over a number of different services to share photos. Pick whichever one you like.
Maybe give Flickr a whirl?
Seems most of what you are looking for Flickr can offer.

Otherwise, WordPress is a very simple, easy to use and robust solution that will do everything you want. Templates are available for everything under the sun and hosting is very easy to acquire.
Awesome, thanks for the suggestions; I think I'll give Flickr a shot and maybe start a Wordpress site if I can't do what I want with Flickr. Not big into Facebook so that's out.