Phenom or Bulldozer

You still don't get it, do you?

The fail was so strong in this thread it called me from across the internet.

Apparently my graph is not nuthugger approved. All I can tell you is my personal experience in a rendering situation. All you can tell me is what you've read on the internet. I understand that. But apparently you believe you have some epiphany you plan on springing for some giant ego trip which I eagerly await.
I have an FX-8150 in my workstation, and the only gain I have personally seen with it over my Phenom II X4 965BE is in vray render times. It's faster than the top tier I7's, no competition.

It seems some have misunderstood what I'm saying here. I do not see big gains in gaming, and other desktop applications comparing my 965 to my 8150. The big difference is in rendering, which the 8150 is considerably faster than top tier I7's. That is substantiated by the graph I posted. My 965 was never being compared to I7's. I have to laugh at how compelled and driven some of the [H] posters are to prove someone wrong with their accumulated knowledge, the constant assumption they are the smartest person in the room perpetually make them an easy target. Some things never change it would seem. I apologize for not translating the graph as I didn't think of it since I'm German. The reason I made the comment is I'm in a unique industry where the Bulldozers actually serve a great purpose and an opportunity to share it is few and far between.
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It seems some have misunderstood what I'm saying here. I do not see big gains in gaming, and other desktop applications comparing my 965 to my 8150. The big difference is in rendering, which the 8150 is considerably faster than top tier I7's. That is substantiated by the graph I posted.
I can only speak for myself so I apologize to you sir and congratulate you on showing real class in your response, something that is often lacking on forums! I think the confusion is that, at least from my perspective, that you compared 8150 to to top tier Intel CPU's, referring to the i7-2600k (I think). But when I think top tier, I think i7-990x. And as the graph shows, the 8150 is neck and neck with that in this particular situation.

Sorry for having some fun at your expense, but it was kinda funny :rolleyes:
he posted a graph that proved his point.

I don't think of intels 1000 dollar processors when I hear someone say top tier, maybe I should but I don't.

even as a tie, all the people chiming in dismissing "faildozer" are literally chirping on and on about the performance, when in that particular test, it shows "faildozer" rocking the shit out of it, and offering a tremendous value.

that it turned into something else, was a product of bias against the processor, there is no other reason it would have happened, based solely on the graph, because again, a less than 300 dollar processor is performing on par with a 1000 dollar monster.(pardon if I got the pricing wrong, god knows someone will dismiss my post if I did)
he posted a graph that proved his point.

I don't think of intels 1000 dollar processors when I hear someone say top tier, maybe I should but I don't.

even as a tie, all the people chiming in dismissing "faildozer" are literally chirping on and on about the performance, when in that particular test, it shows "faildozer" rocking the shit out of it, and offering a tremendous value.

that it turned into something else, was a product of bias against the processor, there is no other reason it would have happened, based solely on the graph, because again, a less than 300 dollar processor is performing on par with a 1000 dollar monster.(pardon if I got the pricing wrong, god knows someone will dismiss my post if I did)

I have to agree with this 100%. I dont understand at all how that graph was misinterpreted. Anyone who thought the Gulftown processor scored lowest (tied with the Bulldozer) just plain didn't spend a fraction of a moment thinking about it.
It seems some have misunderstood what I'm saying here. I do not see big gains in gaming, and other desktop applications comparing my 965 to my 8150. The big difference is in rendering, which the 8150 is considerably faster than top tier I7's. That is substantiated by the graph I posted. My 965 was never being compared to I7's. I have to laugh at how compelled and driven some of the [H] posters are to prove someone wrong with their accumulated knowledge, the constant assumption they are the smartest person in the room perpetually make them an easy target. Some things never change it would seem. I apologize for not translating the graph as I didn't think of it since I'm German. The reason I made the comment is I'm in a unique industry where the Bulldozers actually serve a great purpose and an opportunity to share it is few and far between.

Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't aware that FMA + AVX was available for general or industry consumption and that BD atleast seems to have found a home somewhere.
Wow. I should check in with threads more often.

I asked for that chart. I even specifically said bulldozer in the request. Completely forgot that BD supports FMA whereas SB does not so Pyrex delivered exactly what I asked for. In this one very specific application BD does kick some ass.

It's the other 99.625% of things that it sucks :)
It's the other 99.625% of things that it sucks :)

Wouldn't say sucks. It's pretty even with there previous processor. Was it what they were promising, no. Can it get there, yes. Do I need to jump off a bridge because OMG FAILDOZER, IT'Z SO HO33IBLE, no.
Wouldn't say sucks. It's pretty even with there previous processor. Was it what they were promising, no. Can it get there, yes. Do I need to jump off a bridge because OMG FAILDOZER, IT'Z SO HO33IBLE, no.

If you're already on a (Sandy) bridge, I'd certainly suggest you not jump of it.