Phenom II 555 BE overclocking and temp help


May 16, 2006
After many different settings I was able to unlock and overclock my 555 to 3.6 GHz X4.
I can't get it any higher for some reason, even after using 1.525v. My current settings are

cpu - 250 x 14.5 (1.425v)
ram - 1333 6-7-6-16 1T
cpu-nb - 1750 MHz (1.3v)
HT - 2000 MHz
motherboard is ASUS M4A77TD
Heatsink is Hyper 212+ (using AS5)

When using 2 cores I get 42C when stress testing using everest. 46C using asus probe.
When I unlock cores, everest gives 0 for all cores but asus probe gives me 56C on load.

From what I have seen on forums, people with 550,555 and 955 seem to get higher overclocks and better temps using the same heatsink.

Does asus probe show correct temps after core unlocking? Maybe the cpu gets too hot which is preventing me to overclock more?
I also have a 555BE that unlocks to 4 cores and get the same thing. Using all 4 cores, I just seem to run into a wall and can't get any higher than that no matter the voltage. The temps going to 0 after unlocking is a well documented phenomenon; I just use the CPU socket temp as a proxy for the core temp, though that's definitely not 100% accurate.
you lose the core temp sensor when you onlock.. but since you can see in your dual core testing.. asus probe is about 5C higher then your core temp.. so just take 5C off the core temp in asus probe with the chip unlocked and you have it running at 51C which is not bad for that overclock..
btw why the heck are you overclocking with the FSB when its a black edition processor? if you were overclocking the HT and NB id understand but you arent.. so theres no point..
Well i am also looking at nb speed. For nb, i can't reach 2800 MHz. With this setting i get 2750 MHz.
Using 200 x 18 i can use 2600 or 2800 for nb.

I played with the settings a little more and am able to get 3.8GHz now with 1.525v. But temps hit 62C >_>
So about 58C for the cores. Amd site says max is 62C for these cpus, should i take that for the cores or what asus probe is showing?
ahh you typoed the original and put 1750.. thats why i asked that..

if asus probe is showing 62C then your processor is running at about 58C which is fine as long as its not throttling.. my 940 runs between 50-60C full load depending on ambient temp.. the 62C max amd has is the throttle temp.. depending on the motherboard it may shut down at that temp or it will go up to 69C like its suppose to before shutting down.. my boards hard set to shut down at 62C.. but you could probably drop the temp by 3-4C by lowering the NB clock/voltage as well.. as much as it sounds great saying your NB is running at 2750mhz.. theres zero real world difference between stock and 2750mhz.. about the only thing it effects is benchmarks..