Phenom 940 vs Core i7 Benchies!

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I wouldn't trust those with a 7 inch pole.

would be nice to AMD get back in it.
i7 may be the better net performer, but denebs OC potential and significantly cheaper platform cost might well make it my next upgrade.
Im sorry but those images look too much like paint...and there is no 'real' article to be found at expreview verifying this..the poster only has 2 posts and they are within the same thread :)
They are only gaming benchmarks and using AA only makes them more GPU dependent. i say its fud.

I say that most of the usual AMD naysayers.... Are drinking the Intel Kool Aid just like they must have drank the Obama Kool Aid...

Every time that I come to the AMD section and seeking advice on AMD systems, why must their always be the same Intel geeks that live in their mothers basement....

Over the last month when I was asking questions about a new build around the Phenom 9950 BE, the same exact zombies kept saying, buy a Q6600, buy a Q6600 it was like a broken record...

Well guys i've built my system, i'm posting from it right now... The combo of my 9950 and 4850 is great, I can now play The Witcher and Stalker at 1680X1050 with everything maxed out without a hint of stutter or even slowdown, I'm playing Crysis At 1280X with all visual details maxed out and it's as smooth as butter. Because of so many great specials at Newegg on black friday, I was able to build my complete system for 710.99 shipping included, minus the monitor of course.
Well guys i've built my system, i'm posting from it right now... The combo of my 9950 and 4850 is great, I can now play The Witcher and Stalker at 1680X1050 with everything maxed out without a hint of stutter or even slowdown, I'm playing Crysis At 1280X with all visual details maxed out and it's as smooth as butter. Because of so many great specials at Newegg on black friday, I was able to build my complete system for 710.99 shipping included, minus the monitor of course.

Good for you! I fell into the Intel pitfall and went all out with a Q6600 back in March but I'm ready to go back to AMD as soon as they put out something that makes sense ($/performance, heat/performance, ANYTHING!). I believe that AMD is a company with a better vision so let's look forward to their next offering.
i figured it was worth pointing out that a multiplier unlocked deneb will probably be available for <$300, so ram probably won't be as important.
I went from 3800 X2 to 3200 x4 on the same platform, and hope to move to the new Deneb when it comes out. Not having to buy a whole new computer makes it so much simpler and CHEAPER).
looks good, not getting my hopes up though. I already pulled the trigger and went intel, but i might go back to amd if its a good performer in may for my new rig :D

Good for you! I fell into the Intel pitfall and went all out with a Q6600 back in March but I'm ready to go back to AMD as soon as they put out something that makes sense ($/performance, heat/performance, ANYTHING!). I believe that AMD is a company with a better vision so let's look forward to their next offering.
Well not everyone here recommends that stupid q6600 CPU. I think it's a piece of shit but everyone is obsessed with recommending quads in grandmas Solitaire machine. They are the same people who think strippers are sitting on your lap because they like you.
I have both systems and enjoy both.

I am looking forward to the Deneb.

I have my 9950 at 3.5 and got my 6600 to 3.2.

I had a much easier time OCing my AMD then I did me Intel.

Either way I am b both worlds.

Just hope both stay around to compete.
Just hope both stay around to compete.

To be honest, that's my primary reason for supporting AMD right now. I think nVidia showed us over the past couple of years a prime example of what happens when there's a clear, top of the line product with no competition. Prices skyrocket, price fixing with vendors begins, and the only people to suffer are consumers.

Oddly enough, that was why I bought a P4 Prescott space heater back in 2004 over an AMD 64 based system. I guess I like torturing myself. lol

Long live AMD! Long live Intel! Long live nVidia! Long live ATI!

Viva competition!
What kind of ram do you think it will take to get to 4ghz?

lol does it really bloody matter anymore? 2 x 2 Gbs ddr2 1066 ram sticks were going for like $60-$80 on newegg this week and I'm pretty sure that's the most you are going to need with am2+ phenom IIs.

Competition, fuck yeah!
They are only gaming benchmarks and using AA only makes them more GPU dependent. i say its fud.

+1, also we all know i7 isnt the best gamer, i would love to see to see the "940" (isnt there an i7 with that name) vs a c2 or q2.

please AMD have a nice release! i am getting bored of playing with with intels :)
Well not everyone here recommends that stupid q6600 CPU. I think it's a piece of shit but everyone is obsessed with recommending quads in grandmas Solitaire machine. They are the same people who think strippers are sitting on your lap because they like you.!

AHAHHAHAA OMFG! awsome "sig'd"
The Q6600 is a great CPU but the stupid people are the people recommending quads in grandmas solitare machine. And those who think strippers like them.
as said q6600 has it's place, but it isnt everywhere as many seem to think, every tthread on "what cpu should i get usually end with either e8 series or q6600 no matter what the system usage will be
Pretty good results from AMD.
According to this... the AMD Phenom II 940 is $275USD. Which is half of the cost of the Intel i7 940! Now, thats one great performance/price CPU!
despite how well they stack up against the i7, i think AMD is still THE way to go for an upgrade. this is especially true for whoever is on the AM2+ platform already. i think this has been by far the best socket transition in a while. you can go from an ancient X2 4200+ to a Phenom II 940 and beyond on a single mobo. its really quite an awesome upgrade path.

i guess after s939 screw-up AMD realized that people don't like throwing out their mobos for a new CPU in a little over a year.

too bad intel had to end the 775 so abruptly. sorry e*** and Q**** fans. time for a new motherboard!!
despite how well they stack up against the i7, i think AMD is still THE way to go for an upgrade. this is especially true for whoever is on the AM2+ platform already. i think this has been by far the best socket transition in a while. you can go from an ancient X2 4200+ to a Phenom II 940 and beyond on a single mobo. its really quite an awesome upgrade path.

i guess after s939 screw-up AMD realized that people don't like throwing out their mobos for a new CPU in a little over a year.

too bad intel had to end the 775 so abruptly. sorry e*** and Q**** fans. time for a new motherboard!!

Will the Phenom 2 support DDR2 Memory along with AM2+ motherboards?

Well that was to be expected I guess :)
After all, Intel has by far the largest marketshare, including most people who have absolutely no idea about computers, so they probably don't even know AMD exists in the first place.
You generally have to be a bit 'computer smart' in order to decide to buy an AMD system, instead of Intel which is all around and everyone knows about.

Ofcourse that cannot be reversed, so people aren't necessarily less 'computer smart' simply because they use an Intel system.

I guess it's similar to Windows and linux. Most people use Windows because they don't know anything else... And if you don't know a thing or two about computers, you won't get far with linux.
However, that doesn't mean all Windows users are novices.

And then there's people who use both :)
despite how well they stack up against the i7, i think AMD is still THE way to go for an upgrade. this is especially true for whoever is on the AM2+ platform already. i think this has been by far the best socket transition in a while. you can go from an ancient X2 4200+ to a Phenom II 940 and beyond on a single mobo. its really quite an awesome upgrade path.

i guess after s939 screw-up AMD realized that people don't like throwing out their mobos for a new CPU in a little over a year.

too bad intel had to end the 775 so abruptly. sorry e*** and Q**** fans. time for a new motherboard!!

They'll be making a refresh of the Q9 quads next year, as well as continued production of S775 duals. No need to toss anything. S775 will be around for at least another 2 years before they can fully phase it out. It's not like they are just simply pulling the plug and so are all the hardware manufacturers.
Will the Phenom 2 support DDR2 Memory along with AM2+ motherboards?
yea it will with am2+ mobos. with an am3 setup, u'll have to move to ddr3 from what i know.

They'll be making a refresh of the Q9 quads next year, as well as continued production of S775 duals. No need to toss anything. S775 will be around for at least another 2 years before they can fully phase it out. It's not like they are just simply pulling the plug and so are all the hardware manufacturers.

hmm i haven't heard about this. got any sources?
despite how well they stack up against the i7, i think AMD is still THE way to go for an upgrade. this is especially true for whoever is on the AM2+ platform already. i think this has been by far the best socket transition in a while. you can go from an ancient X2 4200+ to a Phenom II 940 and beyond on a single mobo. its really quite an awesome upgrade path.
That's not very impressive considering AM2+ is barely a year old.
That's not very impressive considering AM2+ is barely a year old.
my point is the transition has been great.
we're used to see abrupt ends in architectures like:
Socket A <brick wall> ===> socket 939
socket 478 <brick wall> ===> LGA775 <brick wall> ===> Nehalem.

with the am2/am2+/am3, you have a much more gradual change. we know that AM3 cpus will work on AM2+ boards. AM2+ cpus worked on AM2 boards (well, this is not 100% true, but quite a few boards from 2006 can still support a phenom 9950. impressive).

to summarize: you have a new socket that supports CPUs from previous sockets. THAT is bloody good transition. i wish intel had done the same with nehalem.

There was a topic on here in the Intel section, about price cuts and new Core2 processors.

w/o a source its hard to believe this claim. not saying you're wrong, but i'm interested in seeing a source.
I wouldn't diss the Q6600. How many times has it stomped numerous AMD CPU's? Yeah, better not try to dig up benches, it will hurt a lot of feelings here =). I am looking forward to the Deneb as well as AMD really needs to get back into the game. Btw, majorbabu, that's a very piss poor argument man lol. If a company has to constantly innovate over & over to keep up with the competition, that's not saying anything good about that company in question. LGA 775 has been around for a long time. It took FOUR different sockets for AMD to get where they are now that is within the lifespan of the LGA775. While I do agree that the backwards compatibility of some boards has worked in there favor somewhat, one would have to wonder how pissed board manufacturers have to be with AMD. They keep changing there sockets! =P
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