PFsense to Utorrent Question


Feb 11, 2009
So i Have pfsense setup and just started using utorrent but for some reason it says no incoming connections. I can download fine and i do have the port forward working on pfsense

Any ideas?

Thanks :)
It will show green as soon as it gets an incoming connection, you may need to wait.

Use the port checker built into utorrent.
Make sure your ports and internal IPS match in the utorrent and pfsense.
I always recommend static IPs or a static DHCP entry for your MAC address so that you dont have to re-route the ports if the internal IP ever changes.
Make sure any firewall software on your PC isnt blocking utorrent.
Port checker shows green everything looks good just shows that triangle with the ! No incoming connections
try another torrent. the incoming connections wont be green until you recieve one. On torrents with few seeds or peers it may take a while. try a high traffic torrent in the 300mb-1gb range

I'm using utorrent and pfsense so I know they work together. I've had a good terabyte of data thru it in the last 2-3 months
Yep its still showing no connections i downloaded from a large torrent with a bunch of seeders