Pfsense firewall in Production

The most current pf in OpenBSD is multi-treaded. The pfSense guys have said they intend to port it to FreeBSD asap, but I haven't heard a time frame.

Also, you definitely do benefit from a second core in pfSense. The box will be far more responsive when under heavy routing/inspecting workloads. There is a lot more going on than just pf inspecting packets.
OP here,
Just wanted to clarify that I wasn't getting rid of the ASA, just moving it to our main production environment for IPv6 connectivity and also active-passive backup.

BTW.. the pfsense firewall has been running pretty well for the past few weeks. Only issue I seem to have is loading any snort rules on causes snort to bomb out (does not come back up after a restart).
thats good to know! learnt something new today about BSD!

Its kind of unfortunate. What it comes down to is you can have a 256 core cpu but you're completely limited in throughput by the clock speed only.

For instance. Clock speeds being equal... and i7 wont out perform an i3 in this use.
So i installed Pfsence 2.0.1 for shit's and giggles, pretty cool firewall os.

Anyone know how to create the rule so i can turn on external administration ?

Or a link to do this with current *stable* release...
Create a firewall rule on the external interface to allow traffic from wherever to port 80 on the external address.
