Petting Zoo Where Robots Replace Animals

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Laugh while you can, pretty soon it is going to be humans in the petting zoos. :eek:

It used to be when you visited a petting zoo, the coolest thing you could touch was a goat. And while that was fine when you were five, it turns out that goats are actually pretty creepy and not that fun to pet. Thank god then, that there’s a new type of petting zoo that does away with living animals altogether. Experimental architecture and design studio Minimaforms has created a bizarre petting zoo where rabbits, ponies and pigs, have been replaced with robotic “pets.”
Like in Blade Runner, you have to pay big money for the real thing...Because it's better.
This might be a good thing. When was the last time you went to a zoo and saw "happy" animals? They know they're caged up and are not happy.
This might be a good thing. When was the last time you went to a zoo and saw "happy" animals? They know they're caged up and are not happy.

True for the most part, but then some of those caged animals are the last of their kind, and are in breeding programs to prevent them disappearing all together.
It's a matter of time before Blend-o-tron-bunny 113-D mulches up little Billy Smith and the war starts.
This sounds like a cute idea. Then one day you find yourself imprisoned in the zoo with the robots petting you and feeding you little pellets. Then it doesn't seem so great, does it?
What kind of animals are those things
Yes, I'm sure people are lining up to pet toy tunnels. Fucking idiotic.