Petmate Deluxe Vari Kennel $13 shipped


Dec 4, 2004
Petmate Deluxe Vari Kennel

This retails for $100 at Petco, sold through Amazon. The price for the kennel is $1.

Dimentions are: 36"x24.5"x26"
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dayam I need a new one and everytime i enter CC info it keeps going back to the same page to enter again doesnt say anythings wrong with the number just keeps almost refreshing the page and clearing it out.. anyone else having problems? :confused:
Hey, your price isn't very accurate. It's only $12.41 shipped! hehe :-D

And for those interested in an even bigger kennel, here's one for an extra 10 cents more:
jayysus i tried again and going with the bigger one and shipping was 54 bucks.. :eek: .. went back to little one and it came out to 12.44 good find indeed! :D
Missed out, showing as $99. Just got two new kittens last week, this would have been nice for when I need to transport them. Wait a minute, I don't ever transport them, I don't need this.
mryerse said:
Missed out, showing as $99. Just got two new kittens last week, this would have been nice for when I need to transport them. Wait a minute, I don't ever transport them, I don't need this.

Thinking back to my days as a cat owner (and running my fingers over the scars) isn't that what laundry hamper baskets are for???

Toss a cat treat under it (like a bugs bunny cartoon) and wait for the cats to get the treat, trap them and just shuffle it out the door, into the car.

lol we did that with our cat... all ya hear is HISSSS REOWWWW and a paw flyin through the lil side of it... still have war wounds..
mryerse said:
Missed out, showing as $99. Just got two new kittens last week, this would have been nice for when I need to transport them. Wait a minute, I don't ever transport them, I don't need this.
That would have been a bit big for kittens. :p

If you ever need to transport a cat but have no carrier, put it in a pillowcase and tie the ends together. Then put it in a cardboard box or whatever. I'm not making this up, it's recommended by various cat rescue groups for emergency situations. :cool:

My mom used to put a plastic milk crate over the cat in the back seat of the car and weight it down with a few bricks on top.
pillow cases OMG i used garbage bags today!! i better go check out the kitty................ :D