Perplexing Issue


Oct 18, 2006
Starting yesterday upon booting up my pc into Windows 7, All four cores are running at 100%. First I thought it was a website, closed IE, no change. Closed outlook, no change. Closed everything. No change. If I open task manager, sudenly cores goes back to normal use. I see no strange services or task running. I downloaded process explorer and it too shows nothing out of the ordinary. the minute I close task manager or process explorer, all four cores goes back to 100% use. I even ran a full scan from Malware Bytes and MSE. Both came up fine. At this point I have no idea how to track this down. Any ideas?
If Task Manager says the cpu use is normal, what program or indication are you using to decide that the cpu is 100% loaded? Is the system just really slow, or are you using some 3rd party cpu monitoring tool? Could be that whatever 3rd party program you're using, if any, is bugging out and misreporting cpu usage. It's highly unlikely something eats 100% of 4 cores except when you are looking in task manager..
I'm using a windows gadget called Multimeter to monitor core usage. Also temp of CPU goes up substantially with all 4 cores maxed out. using real temp to monitor CPU temps.


I never could get multimeter to work, it would hang my whole gadget manager window. I'd kill the process and try to restart it and it would say it was already running.

Try deleting that buggy POS and report back.
Yea, try unloading everything. Then load your typical apps back up one by one. If it were me, and task manager and process explorer interfered and did not help, I would try powershell.exe (included with Win 7+), run the command 'get-counter' and note the output property processor time (before and after starting each app/gadget for instance), looks like so on my system:
[URL="file://\\sixshooter\processor(_total)\%"]\\sixshooter\processor(_total)\%[/URL] processor time :
found the culprit. it was a trojan mascerading itself as a windows service. Had to disable the Search Indexer service and delete it's corresponding exe file in windows system32 folder. Found this on a Microsoft technet forum. rebooted and all is well. thanks for the input. Multimeter has never given me any issues at all. I like it because it's simple. Don't care for the other core monitoring gadget because they have too much into display on the screen.
Glad you worked it out

I always wanted multimeter, tried installing it 2 different times

We are talking the SFKilla gadget right?
Glad you worked it out

I always wanted multimeter, tried installing it 2 different times

We are talking the SFKilla gadget right?

Yes the SFKILLA one. But I bet I'm running a different version than what you are having issues with. No idea what version I have though.
Damn, I was going to say 'it might be malware' but after reading your statement that you scanned with malware bytes and MSE, I felt that might be a stupid thing to say. Personally, and you probably don't want to hear this, but if it was me, I would re-install, there's no telling what that malware might have downloaded. Even if it's known to act alone, somebody could have modified it to install something else..
Yes the SFKILLA one. But I bet I'm running a different version than what you are having issues with. No idea what version I have though.

I would love to know, I just tried again 2.1 right off their site, hung,, would not close, had to uninstall...again