Peripheral logitech keyboard?


Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2005
Im in need of upgrading my keyboard and mouse and Im curious if logitech is coming out with a new gaming mouse or keyboard soon? The MX revolution is really nice but it does not look like a gaming i wrong about this? Are they coming out with a new G7 or G15 anytime soon? I would buy them but I figured they may be coming out with new products since the holidays are fast approaching and I dont want to get stuck with old hardware heh

Thanks in advance
Yeah it's not a gaming mouse and it's not all that great from what people have been saying. I haven't heard anything about any new logitech peripherals and I doubt they're coming soon, the g5 and g7 are still relatively new. The revolution was meant to replace the mx1000 and from what I've heard it's not much better
Ive read a few reviews and they all say is amazing. Personally I dont think it is worth $100 bucks but it seems to be a pretty significant upgrade. What makes you say that isnt all that great? and what about the g15? thats been out for over a year
They really need to refresh the G5.It's a fantastic mouse but having only one back button is awful.
I just got the carbon fiber G7, as far as cordless goes i don't think it will get much better. Light and fast and two battery pack its a nice mouse.
Conman said:
They really need to refresh the G5.It's a fantastic mouse but having only one back button is awful.

The G5 has a tilt wheel. You can tilt the mouse wheel left and right to go back/forward...
k1pp3r said:
I just got the carbon fiber G7, as far as cordless goes i don't think it will get much better. Light and fast and two battery pack its a nice mouse.

I just got one too. I think they fixed the only real shortcoming of the original G7 and that was the slick sides.

Maximus825 said:
The G5 has a tilt wheel. You can tilt the mouse wheel left and right to go back/forward...

Yes the tilt function is pretty comfortable and isn't too intrusive. You can bind the function just like anything else. Therefore we really didn't lose anything going from the MX518 to the G5/G7.

------------------------------My two cents on the MX Revolution ---------------------------

Well for anyone who is interested I have some thoughts on the MX Revolution vs. the G5 and G7 series mice.

I used this mouse a bit on Friday and found that it was well built and a fairly neat mouse. I liked the number of buttons and found it to be adequate for general use. I purchased mine on my lunch break on Friday, and then used it some at work. I took it home that evening and let it charge. Late night Friday, and all through Saturday and Sunday I used the MX Revolution to see if I would keep it and replace my G5 mouse which I have been using since they were released.

I've been using this mouse all weekend while editing photos, playing games as well as general web surfing. Over long periods of time my hands will cramp while using this mouse. The MX Revolution is very narrow and resting your hands on the two thumb buttons feels the best, but if you need to lift the mouse even slightly it becomes awkward.

Resting your hand on the thumbwheel is very comfortable for the most part, but again while playing games or lifting the mouse it quickly becomes a chore. My hands would cramp after an hour of UT2004 or so. I am normally one of the first people to criticize individuals who complain about mouse weight. I generally tell those people to go workout. I never thought mouse weight could be an issue until now. The uncomfortable positioning of the hand on certain parts of the mouse combined with its weight could potentially cause you minor pain in the form of cramping.

The thumbwheel can not be mapped to do anything but zoom (for text) or serve as a kind of Alt-Tab function. Similar to what the application switcher button does. In games I had a very difficult time mapping the two thumb buttons. When using the Logitech software I found I could map the buttons, but only if I mapped the buttons as a keyboard key in the Logitech software first. Again the thumb wheel was almost completely worthless. When trying to bind functions to it, UT2004 specifically records it as a control key. No matter what I set the thumb wheel for, it always would switch between two weapons. The highest end weapon I had, and the shield gun. I used the MX Revolution with Prey as well, and found no binding problems, but you need less buttons for Prey. I am a pretty avid translocator user and I prefer to have my translocator mapped to the thumb button in UT.

As far as responsiveness, the G5 and G7 definitely track faster. In addition I miss the sensitivity adjustments you can perform on the fly with the G5 and G7. I was a big fan of this for sniper rifle use. I am a higher sensitivity player, and find the slower response modes are useful for making sniper shots. It was hard going back to using a mouse at the same speed full time. Additionally when it came to tracking I noticed a couple of instances where the MX Revolution would skip and occasionally act more like the MX1000 rather than the G5 and G7. The latter mentioned G5 and G7 never skip or stutter while in use. Even when the G7 is nearly completely out of power, it still works the same up until it completely dies.

Accuracy and speed are superior to the MX1000 but not as good as the aforementioned G5 and G7. When manipulating photos or making sniper shots I found the mouse to get a bit jittery when moving short distances at low speeds. The mouse also seems to track about as well as the G-Series on all the same surfaces. I tried the MX Revolution on my Black S&S Steelpad (The plastic Steelpad) and it worked well. Another downside is that when using the default Windows XP drivers, the mouse was far more accurate than it was when the Logitech software was loaded. I have often found this to be the case with Logitech mice, so this was no surprise. The unfortunate thing is that the side buttons are unmappable when using the default XP drivers. This has never been the case with the MX500, 510, 518 or G-Series. All of which I own and have used with the Microsoft driver.

The battery life of the MX Revolution is superior to the G7 but not as good as the MX1000. The MX Revolution reported 13-15 days of battery life under full charge and the MX1000 supposedly can go for 21 days without being charged. This is compared to the 16 hours or less I've seen the G7 operate. (Though the G7's saving grace is that it has two battery packs that are replacable in seconds.)

The quality of the mouses construction is overall pretty good. The shell is very solid and pleasing to the eye. Though unlike the G5, G7 and even older or lower end mice, the MX Revolution clunks when set down. If you shake it you'll hear rattling of the guts (which are heavy by the way)

Another annoyance that I found was that the MX Revolution try's to anticipate your scroll wheel mode speeds and needs. I often found that the auto wheel mode selection would happen at the wrong times. Fortunately you can turn this feature off.

The ergonomics are an aquired taste. Some people may like them and some will certainly not like them. Accuracy is good but not as good as some other mice Logitech has on the store shelves today. At the price point the MX Revolution commands I just don't think that it is worth the investment. If you are in the market for a new wireless mouse and don't mind the cost, it is worth looking at, but as a gamer your G5's, Copperheads and even the G7 would serve you far better overall.
Wow very nicely done Dan! Extremely informative and helpful...thank you. I think I will be going with the carbon fiber G7 now.
I have a Logitech MX 518, decent gaming mouse. I own 2 of them in fact. One is brand new never used.

I also own a Logitech MX 1000 cordless. I got that to replace the MX 518. I am a hardcore FPS gamer. Elite clans and all that jazz. Not so much now, as I am busy with school and waiting for a good FPS to come out. Ie, QW and UT2007.

For what its worth I cant tell the difference between the mice. I was afraid to take the leap to cordless because I was Dreading the possible lag. There is no lag on my computer with the MX 1000 mouse.

I will likely get a new mouse when I upgrade in a few months though. Just to be at the cutting edge of gaming. I am looking forward to trying the variable in game DPI switch.

The one thing I do not like about the MX 1000 is the recharge time. People say its better than the G7 though, thats a scary thought. I can get maybe 5-8 hours of gaming on a full charge. Thats not nearly enough, especially when you have a full 36 hour straight gaming session planned, though I have not done that since Oblivion came out.
The only new keyboards coming out from Logitech is the G11, which is a G15 sans LCD. Razer has the Tarantula coming out soon which may or may not be a nice gaming keyboard.
Maximus825 said:
The G5 has a tilt wheel. You can tilt the mouse wheel left and right to go back/forward...
I just need extra buttons for gaming, back and forward isn't a big deal.The tilt wheel is good in WoW as a strafe function though.
> I can get maybe 5-8 hours of gaming on a full charge.

On the MX1000? That sounds broken. I've played longer sessions than that with mine. We'r talking days of use here.