people's memory timings

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May 26, 2005
I often times see people with mempry timings in their sigs and then I look at the chipset you are running and well it makes me smile.

2-2-2-5 or whatever you like, you guys seem to love those low numbers for purpose of proving your e-penis is HUGE but you are likely loosing performance. Not a bunch but at least a little.
Try running that last number around 7 if you have an NF4 board and see if you dont get a little bump in performance.
Just because a memory can run at a certain speed doesnt mean that the chipset runs best at that speed too.

sorry its just a pet peave of mine

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Mod Edit - Twig and Berries - you should have read the rules you agreed to when you registered, and maybe paid attention to, say, the first one on the list:
(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm.
Comments like
Twig and Berries said:
....for purpose of proving your e-penis is HUGE....
Twig and Berries said:
omfg you think I pulled it out of my ass?
...are considered flamebait and won't be tolerated. Consider this strike one; three strikes and your membership dues are usually refunded.....permanantly.

Completely up to you; please think before you post, OK....??

Thanks - B.B.S.
yes i know it too....gotta remember to change my main rig when i get home...u said 7, but when i was doin testing, i noticed when it was around 11 or 12 or so it was old mem ran @ like shit @ 2-2-2-5...should up that 5 to a 12 or 11 or 7 as u some benchies...i know it works on NF2 chipsets as well...good to know
Twig and Berries said:
omfg you think I pulled it out of my ass?

I did and if you did some research you would know it too.

If you make a statement on [H], you should to provide some type of evidence or research backing it. Without it, you're just stating your personal opinion, and personal opinions mean nothing.
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