Pentagon Looking For Laser-Powered Bat Drones


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
The Pentagon is looking to develop new drones that move like real creatures to gain greater mobility and stealth characteristics. Also, after they figure out how to do that the new drones need to have the ability to be powered by directed-energy beams. Current drones that sport life-like movement don't have the loiter cabability that a military drone needs; hence the addition of getting power from a directed-energy source. Pretty cool if you ask me. Check out the video of a bat drone below.

Watch the video here.

The Air Force believes that more and more naturalistic design — coupled with more powerful and smaller sensors to form a better picture of the outside world — should yield “significant improvements in maneuverability, survivability and stealth over traditional quadcopter or fixed wing designs.”
It's a flapping, gliding...... rock.... hmmm...

ready..... "this will never fly..."
It's a flapping, gliding...... rock.... hmmm...

ready..... "this will never fly..."

But they said it flew over 30 meters... :rolleyes:

Yeah, they threw it like a paper airplane and it "glided" until it crash landed.

#1 problem is that it is way bigger and most definitely way way heavier than a small bat AND it doesn't flap its wings nearly fast enough to actually fly.
Perhaps instead of "bats", they should disguise it as pieces of the Tiangong-1?
First monkeys in space, then dolphins strapped with mines, now this . . .

I suppose the next thing in going with recent themes will be government leaders with AI by NV, "that sport life-like movement don't have the loiter cabability ".