PCI Card makes my system bluescreen


Aug 4, 2003
I have a Q6600, 8800 Ultra XXX, 4GB ram, 620w Corsair HX620 psu, IP35 Pro motherboard. I'm trying to run three screens, two 20" widescreens and one 24" widescreen. I want the 24" running alone on the 8800 Ultra, and the two 20"s running on my PCI nVidia FX5500 256MB card, but when I have this card in my system, after the Vista loading bar finished I get a driver irq bluescreen. I've run multiple monitors with different video cards in the past fine. I have a 7800GTX in another machine that I hooked up to my machine to troubleshoot, and it works fine, but I don't want to waste a 7800GTX just for running spare screens. Any ideas?
Make sure the card isnt dead anymore, and it wasting the 7800gtx if its just sitting in your closet.:D, also i think they must go into the top pci slot, and check the bios for an option that sends irq signals to the pci slots, and enable it if it not. My mobo has it so maybe yours does too.
Card isn't dead, tested it in another machine. Also doesn't work no matter what PCI slot I put it in on my 8800 Ultra machine.
I had recently dealt with an issue with my parents computer and the solution MIGHT apply here as well...doesn't hurt anything and it's worth a shot.

Startup in safe mode, load device manager, expand "System Devices" near the bottom and right click on and uninstall the "PCI Bus". It might sound scary but in lamen terms this will cause your system to re-recognize and re-install everything related to your PCI Bus upon starting back up into windows normally. I didn't need to reinstall any drivers related to their PCI Bus based gigabit ethernet connection, not a single thing. It helped immensly in a case where the sound card was conflicting with the boards onboard LAN, both devices are located on the PCI Bus and uninstalling it in safe mode and restarting helped the system more or less sort things out on it's own.

Let me know.
Yes i think cornenlious is on the right track, I had to boot to safe mode in Vista 64 to load my driver for my Xfi , bsod other wise . I bet that will do the trick
I was surprised myself but they haven't had a BSOD in 2-3 weeks after it happening dozens of times a day previously.