PC monitors with refresh rates at 120Hz


Feb 21, 2007
...can anyone see why we shouldn't see these on the market? I'm w8ing for a good fast 30" monitor and it seems to me that the 120Hz tech will bring LCD tech right up there with plasma (I've read a bunch of threads and articles)....

can we expect to see this monitors soon? - Tv's with 120Hz refresh rates are expected to hit the market Q1-Q2 og 2008
It's not going to happen any time soon. People think refresh rates don't matter on LCD monitors, so there's no real demand for them. 120 Hz HDTVs aren't really 120 Hz either. They're 60 Hz with intermediate frames added by an image processor.

Another problem is the limited bandwidth of DVI. Single-link DVI can only carry up to 1920x1200 at 60 Hz, and dual-link DVI can only carry up to 2560x1600 at 60 Hz, which is the native resolution of 30" LCD monitors. That's assuming 24-bit color. 30-bit color would require even more bandwidth, and that's more likely to appear before higher refresh rates.

It's going to be a while before higher refresh rates and higher color depths are supported.
Another problem is the limited bandwidth of DVI. Single-link DVI can only carry up to 1920x1200 at 60 Hz, and dual-link DVI can only carry up to 2560x1600 at 60 Hz, which is the native resolution of 30" LCD monitors. That's assuming 24-bit color. 30-bit color would require even more bandwidth, and that's more likely to appear before higher refresh rates.

It's going to be a while before higher refresh rates and higher color depths are supported.

with the upcomming displayport i believe a 120Hz refresh rate at 16 bit at 2560x1600 will be possible.... ive done some calculations and it should b possible I think...
It's not going to happen any time soon...

...Another problem is the limited bandwidth of DVI. Single-link DVI can only carry up to 1920x1200 at 60 Hz, and dual-link DVI can only carry up to 2560x1600 at 60 Hz, which is the native resolution of 30" LCD monitors. That's assuming 24-bit color. 30-bit color would require even more bandwidth, and that's more likely to appear before higher refresh rates.

It's going to be a while before higher refresh rates and higher color depths are supported.
ToastyX, I qouted the wrong article, duh! Samsung is projecting Q2 2008 for the high bandwidth interface Displayport on a new 30"

So middle of next year about the same time the TV market is looking to refresh.
I have yet to see anything different in a movie with 120hz BFInsertion vs regular 60hz. I was hoping for something drastic/noticable.

Plasmas next to a large screen with 120 hz BFI look much smoother. I do not think it works as well as people hoped.
120 hz LCD TV's are out now. I know ,because I've had one since the spring. It's a Sharp 46" i can't remember the model number but it's something like 4692du. Nice feature and I paid a lot of money for the set, but frankly i wish I had just bought the sony. I'm not impressed with the TV in general. I saw it at CES and got in a 6 or 8 weeks later.
or the new 15000 (lying of course) contrast Superclear Samsung. I actually would take that over either.

your set is nice though.
92U is yours
DisplayPort will have more bandwidth, but that bandwidth is more likely to be used for higher resolutions and color depths, not higher refresh rates.

There aren't any true 120 Hz LCD monitors, and there won't be any time soon.
ok then.... I bsed my assumption that 120HZ monitors would b great on statements i raed in other threads (some ppl raelly praised them) - but what u guys are telling me is that 120 Hz tech aint that big a deal - and that it wont be on monitors for a long time....

thx alot for ur inputs - i might just go and buy a monitor now anyway then - that HP 30"'er should b pretty fast - I think ill just w8 a bit though, to see how that 28" market evolves