PC gaming in it's death throes?

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Ugh...Seriously. I'd rather have the moronic thread then some totally pointless, and rather annoying, "eye candy". Keep that shit to GenMay or elsewhere please.
Right now they are trying to milk a trend that will die out. They are making money while they can because consoles with not be around in the future when they start costing as much as a high end gaming pc that they have to sale for a loss.

Remind me: Why will they cost as much? Consoles by definition do not cost what a PC does....and never will.

Really? Then why doesn't Microsoft bring THEIR OWN FUCKING GAMES to their OS that they 'claim' to be fully supporting PC gaming. Hell, even that Alan Wake game that is going to be huge they are already talking about or have canceled the PC version. How does that help PC gaming and not favor consoles? The reason KB&M hasn't been supported on console is because it makes a lot of games easier. The next Xbox might support that when the games are designed for everyone to have that acessability.

Wait, what the fuck? KB/M makes games MORE COMPLEX. Sometimes complex is good (deus ex 1 for example) but most of the time not. Moreover, a KB & Mouse isn't going to do well for your couch, will it now? The reason consoles exist now and continue to exist is convenience. If I buy a 360 game, IT WILL WORK. If I buy a PC game...well, is it optimized for nv or ati? Is my vidoecard powerful enough? Do I have a powerful enough CPU, enough RAM...the right OS/DX version? Do I need to update my drivers? Punkbuster? Do I need to install GFWL? What about game updates? Unless I'm on steam, autopatching isn't there.

I can go on and on - consoles are SIMPLER. They are EASIER to deal with. This is why consoles look like they're 'winning' the 'war.' We ([H] members) are an exclusive group of people who WILL be willing to deal with shitty PC issues.

So if I were to say PC gaming was dying, that's why I'd say it.

But I'm NOT saying that. Will PC gaming always exist? In some form, for the time being, yes. It will. But it won't be the first platform people develop on - not anymore.Develop the control scheme for a controller, and the 360/PS3 controls are pretty similar. You can't start on a KB/Mouse and go to a controller well - you can go from a good controller based scheme to a KB/M well though. I fully expect to see more and more games get a primary development platform of the 360 or PS3, and the PC come last - and possibly see more delayed PC releases.

The ones to buck this trend are as people said earlier - Blizzard, Valve (that said, OB was on the consoles.)
It seems to me like gaming itself it dieing. Or sitting on the sofa drinking beer and getting fat. Mainstream games and, for the most part, getting worse and worse. When is the last time that there has been a really truly groundbreaking good mainstream game released? The call of duty series, personal preference aside, is really nothing but the same thing over and over with increasingly minor changes. Anything major is just a lowest common denominator, multi-platform release with generic story and gameplay, and almost no atmosphere. Any given release has a huge number on the end or is obviously try to copy some other game.

At least Mass Effect has a good story.
It seems to me like gaming itself it dieing. Or sitting on the sofa drinking beer and getting fat. Mainstream games and, for the most part, getting worse and worse. When is the last time that there has been a really truly groundbreaking good mainstream game released? The call of duty series, personal preference aside, is really nothing but the same thing over and over with increasingly minor changes. Anything major is just a lowest common denominator, multi-platform release with generic story and gameplay, and almost no atmosphere. Any given release has a huge number on the end or is obviously try to copy some other game.

At least Mass Effect has a good story.

My example was going to be mass effect, but you spoilt that. Batman Arkham Asylum...Halo 3 ODST did a good storyline...Halo Wars was a bit more ground breaking...Mass Effect 2 looks good...Bioshock 2 looks intersting. There are good games, they just don't come out every week. But this is nothing new.

heck, even the latest Red Faction is good.

Oh, and dead space.
My example was going to be mass effect, but you spoilt that. Batman Arkham Asylum...Halo 3 ODST did a good storyline...Halo Wars was a bit more ground breaking...Mass Effect 2 looks good...Bioshock 2 looks intersting. There are good games, they just don't come out every week. But this is nothing new.

heck, even the latest Red Faction is good.

Oh, and dead space.

ODST? Ok, I'll give you the story for that one. I liked the approach Bungie took. My issues with console shooters aside, I like love unique story telling methods.

For a console RTS Halo Wars was surprisingly good. Too bad its Ensemble's last game.

RFG was quite good and fun. I would have liked some of the old GeoMod stuff to come back with regards to destroying terrain, but holy crap that hammer made the game a blast.
I've been hearing stuff like this since the release of PS1 and the N64. PC gaming is doing fine and it's not going anywhere any time soon.
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