PC card for DVI or HDMI input?


Oct 24, 2005
I'm not looking to "capture" any video or do hdtv decoding, I just want a card that can take a 1080p input signal over DVI or HDMI and display it (overlay?) to the PC. I also do not want ANY degradation in picture quality, it's a digital signal so it should be able to be produced pixel perfect.

something like that out there?
This is about the cheapest thing you'll find, and it will probably work sub-par since it is consumer level garbage. :p

Also, don't expect anything to work with 1080p since nearly all 1080p content requires HDCP. Just about all the cards only do 1920x1080i at 12mbit or so, unless you spend $3000+.

Don't expect any of this stuff to work under MCE or any other media center app.
At least, that is a good but humble start. I hope the big boys like Asus, evga and gang to start offering something that will pass the signal of my 8300HD and make use of MCE.
I'm not looking to "capture" any video or do hdtv decoding, I just want a card that can take a 1080p input signal over DVI or HDMI and display it (overlay?) to the PC. I also do not want ANY degradation in picture quality, it's a digital signal so it should be able to be produced pixel perfect.

something like that out there?
You're not going to find anything that does that; the Blackmagic card linked to doesn't do this and I highly doubt you'll see anything in the next couple of years that would.
well let me specify my dilemma,

I want to use my ps3 with my samsung 244t lcd monitor. The problem i have is that the monitor does not support 1:1 pixel mapping, so it stretches the 1080p signal vertically. Suffice it to say I really don't like this but would also rather not buy a new monitor since this one is really nice otherwise. Searching google and forums for solutions comes up with nill, just a bunch of people identifying that it's a problem with the monitor and leaving it at that. I'm already checking up with samsung teir 2 tech support about the off chance there is some sort of firmware fix (probably involve me sending it back). The only other possibilities that could potentially solve everything is if future ps3 firmware supports 16:10 resolutions (not likely), or somehow converting the 1080 signal to 1200 letterbox'd via capture card method. This is the avenue i'm exploring right now. And as you can see there is absolutely no decoding or hdcp involved. This is such a widespread problem that i'd think a company would come out with a little black box that added 60 horizontal lines of resolution to the top and bottom of the signal, but I can't find anything like this, maybe it's harder than it sounds. Does it exist? Any other suggestions?

thank you
Nope. No solution other then getting a moniter that actually supports 1080p.
I want to add this card to my comp so that I can capture video from my 360 to do montages and also to hook up a soon to be leased HD DVR from comcast. My problem is I don't like to be told get this great HD DVR that you could watch your shows and pay for it but don't expect to be able to take your shows where you wan't. This card in theory would allow me to connect the DVR to it and capture the video in true 720p that I could watch when ever thus freeing up space on the DVR and also allow me to strip it down to say an IPOD video or something to enjoy on the go. DO you think this will work. I don't want to use it with a Media center or anything like that just to capture the video.
I want to add this card to my comp so that I can capture video from my 360 to do montages and also to hook up a soon to be leased HD DVR from comcast. My problem is I don't like to be told get this great HD DVR that you could watch your shows and pay for it but don't expect to be able to take your shows where you wan't. This card in theory would allow me to connect the DVR to it and capture the video in true 720p that I could watch when ever thus freeing up space on the DVR and also allow me to strip it down to say an IPOD video or something to enjoy on the go. DO you think this will work. I don't want to use it with a Media center or anything like that just to capture the video.

Well, it is made to capture video, so it *should* work. Don't have too high of expectations, the thing is pretty cheap compared to actual good quality capture cards.
I want to add this card to my comp so that I can capture video from my 360 to do montages and also to hook up a soon to be leased HD DVR from comcast. My problem is I don't like to be told get this great HD DVR that you could watch your shows and pay for it but don't expect to be able to take your shows where you wan't. This card in theory would allow me to connect the DVR to it and capture the video in true 720p that I could watch when ever thus freeing up space on the DVR and also allow me to strip it down to say an IPOD video or something to enjoy on the go. DO you think this will work. I don't want to use it with a Media center or anything like that just to capture the video.

That card won't do a damn thing with a cable company provided DVR. They cable boxes won't output video through the HDMI or DVI port without an HDCP handshake.
That card won't do a damn thing with a cable company provided DVR. They cable boxes won't output video through the HDMI or DVI port without an HDCP handshake.
The company I have cable with does. DVI works on my 2nd gen Samsung DLP without HDCP. 1080i output.
Besides, this card only captures 2Ch audio. A useful device would have to be able to capture a 5.1Ch stream also. At least, that's my opinion.
In all honesty I could deal with the 2 channel audio but this whole High Def crap is really getting on my nerves! Companies really need to stop trampling our rights. Any suggestions on how to capture your video from a High Def DVR. I am not pulling the trigger on any of it until I can figure out a solution.