Patent Troll Is Suing Hotels For Offering Wi-Fi

Thank goodness Congress passed Obamacare, instead of something useful like tort reform...

Because we all know that the last 40 years of epic slide were Obama's fault. He wasn't in office, but he was alive god dammit and that makes him liable.
Because we all know that the last 40 years of epic slide were Obama's fault. He wasn't in office, but he was alive god dammit and that makes him liable.

Historically, whatever President is currently in office gets blamed for whatever is currently going on...and obamacare is Obama's baby, therfore he mentoned it. Get over it.

If you notice, Congress is the point, not Obama.

Money talks. If there as a big lobbying group pushing thier presence around Congress for reform, you might get it.......but I wouldn't expect much to happen unless Congress sees the "what's in it for me".

Without that, a big grassroots campaign to push your local Senators and Congressmen on the isue might gain some foothold, but it's going to take people getting up off thier big butts and getting involved. People like to see things get done, but a lot of time they want someone else to do the work.
Because we all know that the last 40 years of epic slide were Obama's fault. He wasn't in office, but he was alive god dammit and that makes him liable.

I think the point is that Obama would rather pass Obama care than something useful. But yea, blaming everything on Obama isn't good either.
Oh,.... I wish they get a hotel that is owned by a Mexican, Black, Asian or something, and then get sued for Racism! That would make me so happy right now.

More like one owned by someone Jewish, they will get counter sued and lose everything they got from this bullshit claim.

They think everyone who uses WiFi owes them? Come sue my broke ass I've got a shit load of pocket lint for them, LOL...
I'm not too clear on Judaism, to be honest. I mean, it's spoken like a race, then as a religion, and it just seem to make less sense every time it's attached to something.
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That's great!
Just what I was thinking! :D
so someone has a wireless network, like the first people ever! And allows people on them... Prior Art, yet here's a guy (law firm) who claims to own a patent on the BUSINESS MODEL of selling that? Give me a fucking break, it's already been done, there fore any patent he was issued is invalid, hopefully he does sue huge name hotels and one of them decides to step up to the plate and fight this in court rather than a payout.

If you had read the article, you would have noticed Motorola and Cisco have done exactly that.

Wish granted. :)