Password protect a directory


Aug 3, 2002
Is it possible to password protect a folder in windows xp? i'm currently using NTFS and i know about assigning rights to different folders. however, i found a problem with that being that any administrator, even if i plug the harddrive into another computer, can take ownership of the folder and assign access rights to whichever user he pleases.

i'm willing to use other types of filesystems such as ext3 but i don't know of any method to password protect those either.

i've also seen third party products that will allow you to password protect a folder but i would imagine that since they are third party, the protection would not work if i moved the hdd to another computer or even if i booted the system into safe mode. if i'm wrong about this, then please correct me.

if anyone has any solutions, i'd like to know! thanks guys!
you cant use ext3 - it is a linux filesystem and windows can only read it.

Not tha tmuch help but under linux (same prob root has access to everything) I would make a file and mount it as a loopback device (in say ~/Encript) and format as ext2 (so It appears as a filesystem). Once finished I would then unmount it and encript the file.

Root would see this file but wouldnt be able to read.

When I wanted to add stuff to it I would un-encript and mount it

don't know what you would do in win sorry
EFS seems like your best option. Should that be insufficient, you could use Winrar or a removable USB drive/removable hard drive to keep directories secure (either via encryption alone or encryption and physical access).
Wouldn't folder encryption work as well?

You'd just need to export the key so that if you need to reformat/place the HD into another key you could recover the files.