Password Managers With Locally Managed Syncing?


Extremely [H]
Oct 29, 2000
Hey all,

I'm hoping to get some recommendation for password managers. I'd like to find one that can encrypt a database I can manage myself, without using a cloud service (still not comfortable with all my passwords residing on someone elses computer)

At the same time I'd really like to sync between devices.

I have read that Keepass has the ability to save to a database via any number of compatible networking protocols (like SFTP) and can sync multiple devices that way. I like this ability, as it keeps ME in control of my password database on MY server.

On the other hand, keepass seems to be limited when it comes to browser integration compared to other ones out there.

Are there any other password managers can do the "I run my own cloud thank you very much" configuration to sync among multiple devices, yet maybe have some more modern and sleeker functionality than Keepass?

Much obliged,
Secret server by Thycotic has a free on prem version.

Not sure how the mobile access is, but it may work for you. Its not as simple as keepass though.
-not cloud based

besided a few stupid sites that does a poor job af making titles for thier page (aka just give in the titel of "log-in") then it works perfectly with browser even without any extra plugins
Keepass is great, but does not meet the request. I am not aware of anything out there, other than cloud services, that automatically sync and can be used across multiple devices.

What I am going to say below is talking about devices not in a single location / network. Having a single keepass on a network share at home is far easier than across multiple devices over the Internet.

Could keepass work? Sure but you have to figure out how to get it across multiple devices to stay in sync. Even with that, my guess is one would have to use some cloud based service to maintain that. I don't see how I could have my phone use the latest DB, update that and have it automatically sync to a PC in my home. Could it be done, probably but not simply. Maybe someone has done that but I'm not aware of it.

If you want sync everywhere, cloud is where it is at. You simply have to address any risks you see.
SplashID used to have where you could sync over wifi from your mobile devices to your desktop/laptop. In checking their website they do still offer wifi sync.
Use Keepass with a strong password as well as a keyfile. Use something like Bittorrent Sync or another file syncing service to keep the database synced among your devices, but manually use the keyfile by keeping it on a USB drive or manually add it to your devices in person and not by transferring it over the network/internet.

It's not true 2FA (both pw and keyfile are used to encrypt it, but they are two parts of a whole not two independent parts), but it's fairly secure and unless you are being specifically targeted you're likely safe. Your main issue at that point is protecting your physical security and using things like whole drive and device encryption to protect your devices esp. the portable ones like smartphones and laptops from being compromised should they get lost or stolen.
I use KeePass, with a password and keyfile. Unfortunately there are no KeePass clients for iOS that support SFTP so I have to use WebDav.
I use KeePass, with a password and keyfile. Unfortunately there are no KeePass clients for iOS that support SFTP so I have to use WebDav.

Hmm. Does anyone know if there is an Android client that supports this?

(I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't even know what WebDav is...)
Hmm. Does anyone know if there is an Android client that supports this?

(I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't even know what WebDav is...)

It's Android, there should be plenty of FTP / SFTP clients to choose from :). I'm lazy and just use BT ("Resillio" now) Sync though hah.

Not real sure what WebDav is, I've heard the term before but I tend to stay away from the iOS/Apple ecosystem. From some quick Googling it's an extension to the HTTP protocol from the IETF to allow remote file sharing and editing and you can use it to enable a generic file server as well so it's a way you can get files onto your Apple device without having to go through iCloud or whatever. Not sure why Apple can't just allow SFTP or SCP clients, but that'd be too simple :-/. There's probably a way to sideload them but then you'd have to jailbreak your iPhone...
It's Android, there should be plenty of FTP / SFTP clients to choose from :). I'm lazy and just use BT ("Resillio" now) Sync though hah.

Not real sure what WebDav is, I've heard the term before but I tend to stay away from the iOS/Apple ecosystem. From some quick Googling it's an extension to the HTTP protocol from the IETF to allow remote file sharing and editing and you can use it to enable a generic file server as well so it's a way you can get files onto your Apple device without having to go through iCloud or whatever. Not sure why Apple can't just allow SFTP or SCP clients, but that'd be too simple :-/. There's probably a way to sideload them but then you'd have to jailbreak your iPhone...

So glad I no longer use Apple products.

Stupid artificial limitations like this and the walled garden used to drive me nuts.
...Not sure why Apple can't just allow SFTP or SCP clients...

There are already a bunch of SSH/SFTP clients in the Apple App Store.

The problem is that none of the KeePass clients available have direct support for SFTP. Even the official KeePass client does support SFTP without a plugin.
Oh, okay, I see what you mean now. Thanks for the clarification on that. You're just wanting that to keep the database updated right?
Oh, okay, I see what you mean now. Thanks for the clarification on that. You're just wanting that to keep the database updated right?

That's the difficult part for me on iOS. WebDav in the KeePass client I'm using currently (KyPass) is broken at the moment so I have to use a seperate app to download the current database, then 'share' it with KyPass to open it. Can't make changes because I can't 'share' the database file back to the SFTP app to upload it. I've written the KyPass developers multiple times asking for SFTP support. :(