Partition Size Incorrect


May 6, 2005
I have a partition that is missing storage space. I got a 120 gig Maxtor hard drive and broke it into 3 partitions. A 12 gig for windows xp, a 12 gig for linux (i'll get to this in a moment), and the remaining 90+ for storage.

XP installed just fine, and it could see the partitions correctly. I then tried to install Suse Linux on the second 12 gig partition. The installation failed because certain files could not be copied. I went back into windows, and I noticed that the 90 gig partition had become a 30 gig. Somehow I lost about 60 gigs of storage.

The shrunken partition is NTFS. Is there a way to get back that lost space on the partition? I don't mind reformatting and installing windows again if I have to. No data was lost, the partition is empty.
Start / my computer / right click / manage. Choose storage / diskmanagment(local).

In the next screen can you see the unused portion of your disk?
Thanks, Bill.

Negative. It's showing me an incorrect size.

Just to see, I looked at the hard drive from BIOS, and it does recognize it as a 120 gig drive. In the beginning, so did Windows. Don't know why it's changing its mind now.
I wound up starting over and re-installing Windows. When it came time to choose a drive to install XP on, I saw something interesting. The missing storage space was there in the form of raw partitions that never did show up in explorer.


I deleted the partitions and started over. All is well.