Parition software for Linux


Aug 15, 2004
Is there an app similar to Partition magic and Acronis Disk Director Suite for Linux?

I personally love Acronis Disk Director Suite much more than norton partition magic because it's much faster doing a task especially when resizing partitions!
the partition tool is called "parted" in the true *NIX fashion it is a command-line program which does one job and does it bloody well

There is then a couple of GUI-wrappers to make its use easier
The most useable is Gparted (should be on a knoppix disk)

As to Acronis Disk Director between gparted, vi & /boot/grub/grub.conf, grep its all there
sorry but i have no clue what you're talking about.

1) this is my first time to install linux

2) i dont know any command line code AT ALL

3) help meh ::(
Um... you create your linux partitions when you install Linux if that's what you are looking for.
You can use those for repartitioning your hard drive to make room for Linux or whatever.
Thx for the info! Was just browsing but the Gparted link was helpful. I've been unhappy with Partition Magic for ages. :D