paradox 7



hey guys,

i need some help. i have a customer that runs paradox 7 on a windows NT 4.0 server. he wants to update the server to run windows 2003, and keep paradox. i've been looking for info on this but have found any of you know if paradox 7 will even run on server 2003? LMK ASAP this is a buisness critical app. for these people.

Also, if you can find something on migrating paradox 7 to Access or SQL it would help as well.

i will continue to look, but i need your guy's help as well

I'm not 100% certain, but I don't believe Paradox 7 will run on Win2003. Paradox 7 for Windows 95 was a rather kludgy port of Paradox 7 for Windows 3.1, with all sorts of legacy 16 bit stuff in it which Microsoft dropped support for from XP onwards.

I doubt the app will upgrade smoothly either. When I tried to update one of my clients apps to Paradox 9 on a Windows 98 box I had all sorts of problem (with the ObjectPAL code, which changed dramatically after Paradox 7). The app had originally been done in Paradox for 7 for Win3.1, and was running fine in Paradox 7 for Win95.

Migrating to Access or SQL from Paradox is a piece of cake though. If it's a multi-user environment I'd strongly recommend using SQL on the backend and rewriting the front end and reports in something like rather than using Access. The words "mission critical" and Access don't go together in a multi-user environment.

- Qualm
i was afraid of it not being able to work...oh well, i got untill tuesday to figure it out, funny thing is, they don't even have the Paradox 7 software on their if it get fux0red i have no way to re-install eh? :rolleyes:
I lost my Paradox 7 for Win95 cd a couple of moves ago (still have the Paradox 7 for Win 3.1) but you can get a copy on eBay. Probably not by Tuesday though.

- Qualm
yea i COULD...but i'm not spending my money on it...i make good money, but not THAT good of money :p
Well, there you go.

I found this today on

I'm still running a legacy Paradox 5 for Win 3.1 app here at work, I really wish I could upgrade but it relies on DDE to remote control a mainframe terminal session, and I'd have to rewrite the entire app since DDE commands don't work on anything but Win 3.1.

- Qualm