Paper Launch Cubed?


Feb 4, 2004
Back in May ATI did a preview of crossfire with availability in August

Then they "released" crossfire just a few days ago.

Now I checked Newegg and ATI's online store and could not find "crossfire edition" motherboards needed to run crossfire.

Now there is a countdown on ATI's front page, which is more than likely for the R520. However in order to run a R520 is crossfire mode you will need one of these motherboards. So IF they "release" the R520 in 4 days and web sites review R520 in crossfire mode, these boards will have to show up online in the next 4 days to avoid an unprecedented 3rd paper launch.

And I'm not even counting the "Australian Crossfire Release Party".

Unless cards are available for sale in 4 days all sites should list any reviews as previews.
but seriously what is the difference between paper and hard launches. Its like if Nvidia wanted a paper launch it would happen weeks before the hard launch, but cards would come in properly by the hard launch date... There is no real benefit is there?
Ok with the reviews you guys were right(Albeit Harsh like your mom just died) but for this? Look at the thread starter? If its not obvious that he swings 100% Nvidia than I dont know what Obvious really means. So far neither company has had a good hard launch for their DualGPU Technology at all. I think its amazingly pathetic but at the same time very understandable. New Bus System (PCIe) with new driver coding and new motherboards to make. Thats just the light stuff compared to what they have t o do in true Hardware.
Meh Meh Meh.
Big Fat Duck said:
but seriously what is the difference between paper and hard launches. Its like if Nvidia wanted a paper launch it would happen weeks before the hard launch, but cards would come in properly by the hard launch date... There is no real benefit is there?

If they paper-launch a card which is expected to, or at least is hyped as something which will out-perform a competitor's card, a reader of said paper-launch is probably more likely to hold off on buying the competitor's card in anticipation of the [supposedly] shortly-available paper-launch card.

So if they know that it's not ACTUALLY going to be available for a while they might paper-launch to build up a following of people anxiously awaiting the release. Looks like ATI is relying on this, whereas NVIDIA decided it's more important not to piss off your entire would-be consumer base by lying to them cubed.
{NG}Fidel said:
Ok with the reviews you guys were right(Albeit Harsh like your mom just died) but for this? Look at the thread starter? If its not obvious that he swings 100% Nvidia than I dont know what Obvious really means. So far neither company has had a good hard launch for their DualGPU Technology at all. I think its amazingly pathetic but at the same time very understandable. New Bus System (PCIe) with new driver coding and new motherboards to make. Thats just the light stuff compared to what they have t o do in true Hardware.
Meh Meh Meh.

do you ever get tired of making excuses for ATI?

so not only does X850 CrossFire's not even available...and you expect us not to give ATi grief for it? wtf?
{NG}Fidel said:
Ok with the reviews you guys were right(Albeit Harsh like your mom just died) but for this? Look at the thread starter? If its not obvious that he swings 100% Nvidia than I dont know what Obvious really means. So far neither company has had a good hard launch for their DualGPU Technology at all. I think its amazingly pathetic but at the same time very understandable. New Bus System (PCIe) with new driver coding and new motherboards to make. Thats just the light stuff compared to what they have t o do in true Hardware.
Meh Meh Meh.

nVidia got alot of crap for paper launching the Geforce 6 series. However, SLi boards were available very quickly after SLi's launch and PCI-E Geforce 6's could be found, although in limited quantitiy. Crossfire on the other hand isn't available at all after four months. It's complete vaporware.

nVidia also hard launched the 7800GTX. I had my first 7800GTX two days after release. They were in stock at my work one day in advance of release.
Drakensoul said:
If they paper-launch a card which is expected to, or at least is hyped as something which will out-perform a competitor's card, a reader of said paper-launch is probably more likely to hold off on buying the competitor's card in anticipation of the [supposedly] shortly-available paper-launch card.

So if they know that it's not ACTUALLY going to be available for a while they might paper-launch to build up a following of people anxiously awaiting the release. Looks like ATI is relying on this, whereas NVIDIA decided it's more important not to piss off your entire would-be consumer base by lying to them cubed.

dont sites like anandtech get cards after paper launches for benchmarks?
{NG}Fidel said:
Ok with the reviews you guys were right(Albeit Harsh like your mom just died) but for this? Look at the thread starter? If its not obvious that he swings 100% Nvidia than I dont know what Obvious really means. So far neither company has had a good hard launch for their DualGPU Technology at all. I think its amazingly pathetic but at the same time very understandable. New Bus System (PCIe) with new driver coding and new motherboards to make. Thats just the light stuff compared to what they have t o do in true Hardware.
Meh Meh Meh.

Where's your buddy Shifra? What's it going to take before you let go of the angst?

Sheesh, sound like the old Atari ST versus Amiga debate when Atari closed it's doors for personal computing. Meh Meh Meh.
{NG}Fidel said:
Ok with the reviews you guys were right(Albeit Harsh like your mom just died) but for this? Look at the thread starter? If its not obvious that he swings 100% Nvidia than I dont know what Obvious really means. So far neither company has had a good hard launch for their DualGPU Technology at all. I think its amazingly pathetic but at the same time very understandable. New Bus System (PCIe) with new driver coding and new motherboards to make. Thats just the light stuff compared to what they have t o do in true Hardware.
Meh Meh Meh.

WTH are you talking about? I've had four SLI rigs over the last year and they've been bullet proof. Yeah sure there have been problems with individual games, WS monitors, and Win 2000, but they were all solved quickly except WIn 2000 and it's almost six freaking years old? :rolleyes:
I was originally intending to buy an X800PRO...and even though they "paper" launched it before nVidia's 6800 series, I got my hands on the 6800GT A MONTH before the X800PRO was even spotted in a B&M store...

...throw in the fact they just reduced their warranty to 1 year...the fact it appears that they are dumping plans to make a next-gen AGP card...and the fact their own share holders are sueing them...I get the distinct impression that ATI just may be in a world of hurt.
FrizzleFried said:
...throw in the fact they just reduced their warranty to 1 year...

Ati reducing there warranty is just one of the steps to get out of building cards, if that hurts the company i wonder how nvidia can still be around, since they dont build any cards

the fact it appears that they are dumping plans to make a next-gen AGP card...

so x1300 wont be available in agp, or you dont call that a next gen card ?

and the fact their own share holders are sueing them...I get the distinct impression that ATI just may be in a world of hurt.

If some major investors would sue them it would be a problem, but this is just some ambulance chasing lawyers signing up Joe Retard that owns stock worth $50
I honestly don't care who has the best card out as long as it works and you guys that prefer one name over another for reasons other than price and quality are out in left field wth.

I don't want to know a paper or hard launch I want to know the buy it here on this date launch. That's great you have a new product can I buy it? No? Then don't talk to me about it. Hard launch? WTF is a hard launch jesus christ just get it in a store or warehouse where I can buy then let me know FFS. Now tell me about your new product :).

That is how it should be. Let us know where we can buy your shiny new bauble when it's available not before or after please thanks!

People like previews I understand previews are fine with me if they are understood and labeled as such otherwise it's just crap.
PRIME1 said:
Now there is a countdown on ATI's front page, which is more than likely for the R520.

And it'll probably tick over 4 months past Oct. 5th....

Even though Crossfire is too little, too late, I would of liked to have seen ATi deliver on a time they promised. Since they've pretty much paper launched Crossifre, you can bet the same will happen in as of the time of writing this: 4 days, 7 hours, 21 minutes, and 33 seconds.
.::MAGE::. said:
WTF is a hard launch jesus christ just get it in a store or warehouse where I can buy then let me know FFS. Now tell me about your new product :).

That is how it should be. Let us know where we can buy your shiny new bauble when it's available not before or after please thanks!

That is exactly what a hard launch is :rolleyes:. A hard launch is, the day it is launched it is available. This is what nVidia did with the Geforce 7 series.
dgb said:
That is exactly what a hard launch is :rolleyes:. A hard launch is, the day it is launched it is available. This is what nVidia did with the Geforce 7 series.

What I meant was there shouldn't have to be two terms for a product launch. Paper launch? Hard Launch just let us know when we can buy it realistically and where.