Pair of speakers or self built system 2.0/2.1 for CD player and p.c


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2007
Hi, this is a my first post on these forums and I come seeking your wisdom. I currently own a pair of sennheiser hd 595, a govibe amp for use with my p.c and sony SACD player. My current speakers are just plain cheap and sound awful. I am looking to have respectable 2.0/2.1 desktop/bookshelf system for around $200 maybe a little more but hopefully less. I looked at the Pro Media Systems and I can definatly build my own. I would use this mostly for listening to music, perhaps the odd movie or so but no gaming. I listen to some heavy rock, techno, just plain rock, and a lot of everything. Any reply is appericated. Thanks and from what I've seen browsing this forum this is one sweet forum.:p
Hi, I haven't listened to my system yet (still in shipping) but here is what I did. I bought a Yamaha HTR 5150 receiver for around $70 and I am using the Best Buy speakers which I also got on ebay for about $50. I am going to hook the receiver up to my computer through SPDIF, and other than the quality of the speakers should get pretty good sound quality. Pretty good for $120 at least :) . With your budget you could look at slightly better speakers, maybe look for something used:
thanks for the info

I think that i have decided that a pair of 123 x-ls bookself will be my speakers of choice when I get around to it but still trying to decide what receiver to use.