painted case question

Sep 4, 2002
I couldn't find anything by using the search so my apologies if this has been covered. Does painting the inside of an aluminum case increase the ambient temperature inside?
i wouldn't really worry about it as long as you have good air circulation,because alot of aluminum cases are painted on the outside which if the paint trapped the heat it wouldn't matter what side was painted because it would still have to pass through
and as far as aluminum and heat it seems to me (which i haven't done any scientific exsperiments on the subject) that it holds in heat as much as steel cases
try wrapping a hot baked potatoe in aluminum foil and see how long it stays hot
Good air flow is the most important thing when the hot air goes out cool air comes in
It won't make a bit of difference as long as it is not a thick ass coat. Then you might have a slight temperature increase.
I didn't think it would make a big difference (if one at all) considering all the available airflow, but I just wanted to check.

Thanks for the input everyone.