Painted Apple Laptop


Limp Gawd
Dec 30, 2006
I am missing a few of my pictures but here are what I have. Sorry





as you can tell.. this laptop was a little used and had a few nice dents it it. This one in the picture was huge!

I have no pictures of the Painting like I did of the xbox ;/ (they where lost) But here are
some pictures of the almost finished product. The laptop is missing the final coat of clear.
It has some one it, but it was sanded off so that another coat could go on and make it
even nicer.

I just used a thing of oil/water/etc that gives the finished super shiny look for a couple
of seconds so that I could take the pictures.




You can sorta see the bottom in that one ^

Since the laptop was not fully painted and finished you are unable to see the color
changing affect that it has. Here is a very very very very VERY slight example of how
this bad boy looks. You really have to see it in person!!!


I will have final Pictures in just a little bit of the full system. But what do you guys/girls
think so far. I am very impressed =D

There is also pin striping that was just added for the new pictures too
Thats amazing. Very keen eye for detail! You should be proud of that one.
Where are the new pictures, man!? You have us all salivating; it's cruel to keep us waiting. :p

I need to go make friends with some folks at a local paint shop... I bet something like that would look pretty sweet on an iPod, too.

How did you make the design? Was it computer-designed or did you do it all by hand with an airbrush?
my friend and I just love to airbrush. Maybe we should go into biz :p

I will post some pictures very soon. I shipped the laptop out to a friend in CA (where I currently
am for Lan) so hopefully today or tomorrow I will have the final pictures. This week
has been crazy!!!

I need to go make friends with some folks at a local paint shop... I bet something like that would look pretty sweet on an iPod, too.
Just make sure that you see some of their small detailed work. Before I could paint I went to a few shops and
did not have the best results ;/. MAKE SURE YOU GET SOMEONE THAT KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!

How did you make the design? Was it computer-designed or did you do it all by hand with an airbrush?
It was all free hand =]
and from the mind

edit: open for business :D Sorry about that.
Its all good man, you where right in what you did and I thank you for opening this bad
boy back up :D
well Im home and went to take pictures.
and... well..

my friend DROOPED THE LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


be back with an update :*(