P5Q Pro ram?


Oct 22, 2008
Can someone recommend a good pair of 4GB ram for a P5Q Pro board?
And, do you think that the Corsair 650W would suit this system, or is it too much?
I would like to avoid to change the values in the bios, like timings voltage etc., and i will do no overclocking at all.

Stability and reliability, and a smooth running system is much more important than other things like performance.

My build will be like this:
C2Q Q9550
Asus P5Q Pro
Power supply: Not sure
Ram: 4GB something.
I only buy parts from danish online hardware shops.
I use edbpriser.dk, to find the cheapest shop. I think i'm gonna buy at getmore.dk, but they don't have g-skill 2x2GB, so i guess i need to look at something else :(
Corsair and OCZ sticks are quite good. Any 2x2GB kit from one of them will work fine. I can't really give you more than that since I don't know what brands and kits you have available to you.

I'm using those in my P5Q Pro and they are awesome. You do have to change the timing initially, as it defaults to 5-5-5-18 at 1.8v. So you just have to change voltage to 2.0v and timings to 4-4-4-12, but alas you did not want to change timings so maybe I've not helped at all lol! And actually you don't have to change them u can just run at the default too.
Hello, and thanks for the replies,

Corsair, OCZ and Kingston is the most popular in Denmark in think, so i can buy them almost everywhere.

Are these ok:

The price is Denmark for these kits is almost the same ($95±).

Regarding not changing the values in the bios.. won't it have a negative effect if the ram is not running at it's advertised speed/latency and voltage?
Hello, and thanks for the replies,

Corsair, OCZ and Kingston is the most popular in Denmark in think, so i can buy them almost everywhere.

Are these ok:

The price is Denmark for these kits is almost the same ($95±).
Yes, all of those are good kits. This kit is the best out of the three, so you may as well go with it if they're all around the same price: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145194&Tpk=TWIN2X4096-6400C4DHX
Regarding not changing the values in the bios.. won't it have a negative effect if the ram is not running at it's advertised speed/latency and voltage?

Not substantially. RAM speed doesn't have much of an effect on the performance of most modern PCs.